Like two felons in a cell?
Usually you don’t have the big sexy docudrama about the big sexy crime until after everybody’s rotting in prison.
How happy is HRC today?
Get Me Roger Stone is a must-see. Although you may want to avert your eyes when Roger shows the face of Richard Nixon that’s tattooed on his back.
Best thing is Roger Stone in federal court in shackles.
Only the best people !!! So much WINNING!!!
Just another coffee boy…or is that “cofeve”?
Not very, I think. Probably feeling vindicated. But every new piece of evidence that the president and his associates were working against the interests of the US reinforces how much trouble the country she loves is in.
I have to say, I really am starting to be tired of all this winning!
Not me. Not tired yet. I want to keep winning.
I suspect @mattinpa would like to hear from you. He feels tired these days. But let him know that, although you dance, you’re not a wookie. He was looking for such a creature earlier, somewhere in these parts.
So Stone’s close associates included Nixon, Manafort, and Trump. We know Nixon and Manafort are/were crooks. The odds Trump isn’t also one is zero. There’s not even six degrees of separation here and absolute zero plausible deniability.
A new game!
Get from Trump to anyone in the GOP without stepping on a criminal or someone under legit criminal investigation. Any connection counts, but you bust when you hit 100.
Our mattinpa will be fine, I think. He’s a tough bird with more comeback in him than most… These have been tough days.
I recall that Stone and Manafort were also close with Lee Atwater (who worked on GHWB’s 1988 campaign and came up with the infamous “Willie Horton” spot).
I think it was Ewoks that were preying upon his mind. Some fixation with the forest and teddy bears that goes back to his childhood, no doubt.
Isn’t “Get me Roger Stone” what Mueller said?