Discussion: Man Trying To Scale Trump Tower Using Suction Cups

Likely Russian Special Forces trying to get to Donnie for some wet work. Putin’s not happy with his failed Drumpf investment.

Probably just another member of Trump’s entourage who can’t work an elevator.


A Trump spokesperson just said 1) It’s a stunt that has nothing to do with the election or politics at all 2) The local police who have responded are costing the tax payers “millions of dollars already” - obviously his understanding of numbers and sense of hypocrisy are both nonfunctional today.

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Okay - you win this comment thread already!

One of his economic advisers?

Spidey! It was only a matter of time before Spiderman made an appearance with all this Presidential mayhem. Let’s face it…America needs a hero. Not sure this guy is it though. But it is entertaining.

Yeah. His name is Steve.

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Glad someone else picked up on that. :slight_smile:

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This is comedic gold!

Kind of appropriate - This guy and Trump are both trying to be upwardly mobile by sucking.


#IHearManClimbingTrumpTower has banner that says, “Trump has tiny finger!” He wants to put on top of Trump Tower.

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Pffffft…Probably some poor guy who did some work for Trump and just wants to get paid.

Takes a lot of guts or a lot of stupid; the glass at Trump Towers is probably cheap and sub par.

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Aaaaaand it’s over

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Clinton will have him killed after he steals the campaign files for her.

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Watch Trump sue him for the costs of cleaning the building —

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That seems like a lot of trouble to go through just to get a taco bowl