Discussion: Man Sentenced To 8 Years For X-Ray Weapon Plot That Targeted Muslims

Discussion for article #243888

But there is no evidence of anti-Muslim bias in the United States. Marc Rubio said so.


“…a Ku Klux Klan grand wizard who was an FBI informant…”

Wait…what?! They must have been holding something really heavy over that guy’s head.


Trump: This is astounding what we do to our white christian citizens who actually confront terrorists and kill them. These men are hero in my book.


“Potential targets were never discussed with me,” Feight said. The married father of three said he became afraid to drop out after Crawford introduced him to two seemingly dangerous investors in the project, actually FBI undercover agents.

This sounds like a clear case of entrapment; the FBI provided an opportunity to break the law Feight would never have had otherwise, and when he wanted to back out, they intimidated him into breaking the law against his will. He also does not sound like an anti-Islamic terrorist, he sounds like an engineer hired to control a portable device to sterilize medical waste who found out it was something else and was then threatened should he back out.

Crawford is another story, sounds like he was justly convicted.

I am ashamed of a good number of folks in this country.


…Trump ‘advisors’ offered this guy a job… working closely with SarahP in her recently promised job offer.

…which would include a number of my relatives…

What would media do if this guy was a brown muslim and doing this to white christians. Fox will have wall to wall coverage for months till Trump is the president. NYT and WaPo will comply as well.

I’ll grant you that the whole setup is a bit murky, and close to the entrapment line. However, once he became aware of what Crawford actually intended to do with the device, “scary investors” or no, all he had to do was pick up the phone and call the FBI.


I think I know what’s going on here.


No, Dave, I don’t think you do.

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" An upstate New York man who admitted building a remote control for a mobile X-ray device intended to kill Muslims has been sentenced to eight years in prison."

I’ll bet the NRA will have their bloodsuckers roaming the halls of Congress about this. After all, X-ray guns don’t kill people, people kill people.

(before you get all excited, that funny looking gizmo the aim at your wrist when you broke it is referred to as a “gun.” It creates and aims the high-energy particles it creates.)

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Actually, it’s not entrapment as the US Supreme Court has repeatedly held. The Feds would have had a much more difficult time of it if he had actually contacted his local police and requested police protection along with his information. This is just his lawyer talking, setting up a defense as best she can with the sack of s*** he has handed to her with the facts of the case.

“If you have the law against you in your case, argue the facts. If you have the facts against you, argue the law. If you have the facts and the law against you, get your fee up front and plead them guilty at the arraignment.”-My Criminal Law professor in Law School.0

Your impression of what happened illustrates why trials have both a prosecution and a defense. You are reacting solely to the defense.

Here’s a little more detail. It is still just the words from the defense side, but it reveals a political motivation that has nothing to do with sterilizing waste:

“Going to that meeting was the worst mistake I ever made,” Feight told the judge as Connie Feight, his wife of 30 years, and their three daughters looked on. “I’ll regret it for the rest of my life.”
At that meeting, Feight said he was nervous about being involved but changed his mind with the “direction things were going, and then certainly after the elections.” President Barack Obama had just been re-elected.
“It’s like, OK, you know that old saying is right, you know the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing,” Feight said. "I’ve done nothing for a lot of years but shoot my mouth off and see how effective that’s been.


Variation on a theme: If the law is on your side, pound the law. If the facts are on your side, pound the facts. if neither is on your side, pound the table.

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Shoulda called the FBI when first approached. I feel sorry for his family, but not for him.

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