Discussion: Man Charged With Assault For Sucker-Punching Black Protester At Trump Rally

This happened in front of cops and they did nothing. I think the bragging the guy did on FB about it and the outcry is the only reason it was looked at.

If the black guy had sucker punched someone at a Trump rally I bet it would have been handled differently…


Total Accumulated I.Q. of all people in that picture: 120.
Highest Grade Level Completed: 8

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And just as classy & good looking as you’d expect such fine, proud representatives of their race to be. If I was typecasting for a movie I counted do worse then this.


“Correction: This post has been corrected to remove a reference to McGraw being arrested. We regret the error.”

It’s amazing isn’t it?

Black dude acting “uppity” and giving the finger to a bunch of honky cracker racist Trump supporters gets carted out, handcuffed and thrown on the ground by the police…


The honky cracker bitch who sucker punched him while he was being restrained and led out by police doesn’t even get arrested?



“…caught on video apparently sucker-punching …”


Fuck you.


Don’t forget the tooth count

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Man Charged With Assault For Sucker-Punching Black Protester At Trump Rally

About F’ing time. I’ll bet that Dumpster will make some comment about how the police and DA are out of control and out of line, he after all had paid them to look the other way.

I know the quote was contributed to Manhattan123 b ut it struck me because I thought the same thing way back in 1963-64 when the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts were based. I naively believed the racists would be gone in 20 years.

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He most likely will… I’m from Fayetteville, and right now we’re in the middle of a big racial debate over the Market House in the center of down town being on the town seal. This will most likely be prosecuted to try a keep tensions from boiling over as they’re already on a high simmer.


Let’s hear it for the “Poorly Educated”

The MSM is 100% responsible for this man. When they relinquished journalism and allowed him to campaign solely based on emotion and irrationality it was IMPOSSIBLE to reverse that. It’s like confronting a lynch mob with a detour into a classroom to discuss civics.

Postscipt…when I saw the Peggy Noonan article on “Obama being responsible for Trump”, I started to think once again about Goebbels.


It was well on its way to going. I have data on that. What happened was

Reagan and the for-profit MSM
Murdoch and FOX
Talk Radio
The somnolence of people my age


You may have been a bit generous…


Remember it was Fiorino’s hate speech again the PP that got many massacred. And she was not held to account for her violent terrorist positions either. But, because of her extremely violent, dishonest baby parts speeches, innocent people died.


Well the grade level was accumulated as well.


I love that it took national media attention to get the local police to do their jobs.


Another stupid, old white man trying to be ‘relevant’.

Some people can’t afford dental care. Some kids’ parents don’t prioritize dental care. Dental care is not inexpensive. It’s not funny.


They’ll outlive the cockroaches, rats and flies after Armageddon.

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Public Assistance $ collected?