Discussion: Man Charged In Shooting At Benghazi Movie Carried Gun Because Feared Mass Shootings

But Gallion himself told the arresting officer that another movie attendee had reached for his crotch, causing him to accidentally fire the weapon.

Then there’s the GOP screening night he probably wasn’t familiar with.

You’d be assuming the folks going there for Hillary-loathing validation wouldn’t use it as mirror, despite the actual content of the movie.

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The Trumpf screening in Des Moines? That’s a long way to go to prevent a mass shooting, so he just went local and prevented one in Seattle.

I can say with absolute certainty that had there been a mass shooting, this man would be responsible for many deaths, and almost certainly the hypothetical “active shooter” would not be among the deaths his firearm caused.


I at least hope there is some sort of legal ramification for the family member if they were to return the weapons outside the courts instruction.

this is too loosey goosey for my liking…


Dane? DANE? Do you get a gun at birth with that name?

I don’t see why he couldn’t be both.


Nothing to see here, folks…just more evidence of the Glock Cycle:

Mass shooting > fear > NRA propaganda to exacerbate fear and prevent regs > more gun and ammo sales > more guns in circulation > more mass shooting > fear > NRA > sales > circulation > mass shootings > fear > NRA > sales…


not sure I believe any of these stories until I am assured the victim was NOT a blond woman of a certain age wearing a pant suit.

if it turns she is not as I describe, perhaps I will buy accident here…

Yes…if you show two fully clothed people on the same bed moving their hips…its an instant “R” rating. Same with having one utterance of the word “Fuck”.

Show a few dozen people getting their heads blown off…we can discuss a possible PG-13 rating for that.


But why would a mass shooting happen at a theater full of Clinton Hating Real American Patriots?


"…Gallion himself told the arresting officer that another movie attendee had reached for his crotch, causing him to accidentally fire the weapon."

I know that whenever anybody goes for my crotch, my gun also goes off. Every time.


He ain’t lying (at least about the fear of mass shootings part…the “reaching” sounds fabricated) and he ain’t crazy…afraid and gullible, maybe, but he’s telling the truth here, I guarantee it. That’s the whole point. Growing up in gun culture Amurikkka creates the predispositions that helped the NRA and its puppets prey on human nature’s response to fear, feelings of powerlessness/lack of control and confusion in the face of the unexplainable. He’s convinced he needed the “safety” of a concealed weapon at the movie theater because he felt fear and confusion about mass shootings and his own safety, and he was convinced that his feelings of powerlessness could be assuaged by placing himself in a position of power that would (supposedly) allow him to control the world around him. He was taught that owning and carrying a gun achieve those ends and truly believes it. Here’s a picture that speaks to this whole phenomenon better than my words:




Because it’s liberals who commit mass shootings.

Haha…just kidding…although next time there’s a mass shooting, take a gander at the KKKomment boards over at Faux News underneath the articles about it. You will see that they actually spend a ton of time convincing themselves that what I just said is actually the truth, to the extent that in their minds the fact that a liberal did it is self-evident from the fact that a mass shooting happened.


But Gallion himself told the arresting officer that another movie attendee had reached for his crotch, causing him to accidentally fire the weapon

Been there, pal. Happens to the best of us.

It helps to think of Barbara Bush until you’re ready…

I can’t…I’d have to bleach my brain.


My understanding was that PG-13 movies are allowed a single use of the word “fuck,” but any more than that and it is a “R” rating.



But isn’t that what the law USED to be? You needed to have a justification to carry a handgun? I remember seeing stories some years back about abused women who’d left their husbands, and they wanted gun permits to protect themselves but had to go through a lot of paperwork to get them.

Oh…I am getting old and forget we live in such enlighten times :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the correction, though.


Wooo… Hoooo —

Better than a cheap carnival ride ! —

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