Discussion: Man Charged In California Wildfire Refuses To Go To Court

Smart move, then they can’t convict him ! Is this a Sovereign Citizen, perhaps ?


I hope Trump and Giuliani don’t read this news item (on Fox or Breitbart, they wouldn’t read TPM). They might use the “No no no I won’t go! You can’t make me!” defense, and if they install enough pliant judges, it might work.


He sounds like a genius (and very stable!).


More likely a fan of Laura Ingraham.

…telling them he had been terrorized by gangs and that “they told me they were going to send eight Mexicans, big Mexicans, and they were going to kill me.”


According to JJ MacNab, this guy is a sovereign citizen who is into all the conspiracy theories. Check out her twitter feed:


Check out this guy’s Facebook page before it goes away.


Well, our former Governor Reagan proudly began the conservative process of dismantling the state’s mental health system 40+ years ago. Fast forward to the present, add a little global warming, a drought or two, some matches, and voila!


You have to scroll to the bottom to find his affinity for Trump, but it’s there.


This is why we can’t have nice things. Like livable planets.


Forrest “Forest Fire” Clark Speaking to the press…

Reaction of firefighter…

So angry nutcases now have an alternative to mowing people down with bullets – destroy the neighborhood with fire instead! Terrifying and appalling.

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Holy Jim, Batman!! A forest fire has been set by Forrest in Holy Fire!!!

Not amusing to those of us who live near burning fires. Just saying.


Should tRump be inclined to name a new head of EPA or chooses to replace Zinke at Interior this man would be a natural fit.

Infowars/QAnon fan. Why am I not surprised? They’re deliberately designed to attract mentally ill people. There are a bunch of people I know like this, some of them also potentially violent.

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I used to live right near where this fire is burning. We used to hike the Holy Jim trail, which went right past where this guys cabin is. It doesn’t surprise me that someone like him would have lived in one. The place always creeped us out, and we’d often joke about who (or what) lived in those cabins. That exact area was inspiration for Dean Koontz’s ‘Watchers’ novel, if that tells you anything.

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What’s the over/under on Trump giving him a full pardon?

So he’s waivings his rights and going straight to jail? Do I have to RTFA?