Because buying a semi-automatic handgun and keeping it under your pillow is what you do when you’re having a lot of arguments with your roommates.
I’m perfectly willing to believe that the tweet was in jest. And the placement of the weapon was perfectly legal, and someone talking “irrationally” is an utter and complete justification for feeling in fear for your life and plugging them. /s
Horrible. Just horrible.
Your comments strike me as perfect examples of the “normalized deviance” discussed elsewhere, or the justification of War Crimes. No this is not what you do when arguing with a roommate. You move out or reconcile, you don’t murder and go to prison for life. Such is your “normalized deviance” operative on every street corner anymore, by the police and everyone else: kill first, talk later. A hateful culture believes that shooting first is just fine anymore, witness the national violence and gun culture as an integral part of domestic criminal behavior, in your neighborhood, daily, nationwide.
Here is your “normalized deviance”, or “acceptable criminally irresponsible behavior”:
I work with Navajo weavers every day. Among the Native Americans, / Navajos, no one ever “jokes” about violence. It’s not a joke. Among Native Americans, the only jokes are very light-hearted and funny, never serious, never accusatory, never negative. The Navajos are probably the most well-behaved ethnic group living in America. Americans in general have a lot to learn from the Navajo culture - too bad we’ll never learn it and instead go to prison for our hateful, violent, anti-social behaviors.
Penton’s attorney says his client’s social media posts weren’t intended to be taken literally…
Works for Trump.
Sure looks like he has it in him.
The comment creates an opening for prosecutors to argue that Sunday’s killing of Daniel Garofalo was premeditated, meaning they could charge Penton with first-degree murder and seek the death penalty.
I’m sure they’re giddy about it, too. I have no idea why allegedly “pro-life” Republicans who believe that government can’t do anything right get so excited about the prospect of state-sponsored killing.
Penton told police that he reached under his pillow for his loaded semi-automatic handgun and fired after Garofalo frightened him by speaking irrationally.
There are no words…but this is the same justification cops often use, whether for tasering or shooting.
A loaded semi-automatic handgun under the pillow. What could possibly go wrong?
The NRA will count this as a successful self-defense. In fact, if history is any guide, they’ll count it every time anyone ever mentions it. It will turn into hundreds of successful self-defenses.