Discussion: Majority-Hispanic Dodge City Has ONE Polling Place — And Now It's Harder To Access

Since 2002, the lone site was at the civic center just blocks from the local country club — in the wealthy, white part of town. For this November’s election, local officials have moved it outside the city limits to a facility more than a mile from the nearest bus stop, citing road construction that blocked the previous site.

THIS is Kris Kobach in action


Donna - may I call you Donna? You seem remarkably stupid for a County Clerk. What stops a town from losing a school, a post office, a store? A population that is increasing and not decreasing. It doesn’t matter if the people are brown and speak Spanish, enough people will keep a school, a post office, and a store in operation.


Was the polling place just moved, or has this been known for some time? If it’s been known for some time, what have local Democrats been doing about it? Frankly, I’m a bit tired of hearing about lawsuits and protests in the last few weeks of the campaign, when they should have been in process months ago. (Not saying that’s the case there, but this is the kind of story we always see in the last few weeks, not months before an election.)


This is the kind of voter fraud Kris Kobach can get behind.


CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS, are you proud of striking down portions of the Voter Rights Act?

CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS, do you still think America has rid itself from DISCRIMINATORY VOTING PRACTICES?


We don’t need no stinkin’ poling places in Dodge!


Approximately 13,000 voters for the one polling place versus an average of 1200 voters per polling place in the rest of Kansas? That’s absurd and arguably is prima favor evidence of obstructing the right to vote. Unless it’s a very big polling place, and lots of people mail in their ballots - or choose not to vote - that’s a lot for one place to handle.


Bus them in ! It must be possible to find the money for that…


Looks like Dodge needs a Hispanic Voters Matter bus:


At a time when many rural towns are slowly dying, the arrival of two massive meatpacking plants boosted Dodge City’s economy and transformed its demographics as immigrants from Mexico and other countries flooded in to fill those jobs.

Ya know, when your dying little town brings in 2 meat packing plants that provide lots of jobs that entitled honky tonks are too good to perform, you tend to get immigrants flocking there to take those jobs because they don’t have the entitled baggage the cowpokes have. And then they wonder why the population demographics change.
Derp of the highest order.

What they’re really pissed about is they can’t get all plantation-y about it.


“The county of about 27,000 residents in central Kansas wanted to “test the waters” to see if it could get by with fewer voting machines at fewer sites”

Holy cow! Not only shut down polling sites, but didn’t make remaining sites larger with MORE voting machines. Must be that “new math” at play here.


Didn’t you mean “is behind?”

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God I feel so lucky that my polling place is just up the street. It’s at our Community Center, so lots of parking, I could walk there if I had to, and it’s a hub. When other elections happen and they don’t need as many polling places they move those precincts into my place.
My longest waits to vote were for the 2008 and 2012 elections. They had the line snaking through hallways I’d never been down before. They had seating set up in rooms so if you had trouble standing for a long period of time you could go sit. You just asked the person in front of behind to hold your place.
The only potentially ugly incident to occur was when some guy called his girlfriend for dinner and she brought him McDonalds. The smell if his french fries almost started a riot. I swear that some of us were discussing the possibility of ordering pizza to be delivered. All in all it was a good time to catch up with neighbors/meet the new neighbors.


We had a big neighborhood party in 2008 for the primaries too. Two precinct’s polling stations combined and a lot of people (myself included) waited until the end to vote since we were going to the precinct meeting afterwards - there were a thousand people signed in to ours, after many, many people left to put kids to bed etc. People were ordering and passing around pizza for the crowds, sending spouses home to get food, and so on. It was crazy.

But one thing that struck me is how many people showed up and then decided they couldn’t spend two hours waiting to cast a vote.


Puts a whole new meaning to “Dodgeball”…


Like “Billyball” it’s a matter of numbers & stats…maybe “Kobachball”.

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Dodge City had multiple voting locations until the American with Disabilities Act in 2002 imposed more stringent requirements for accessibility to polling places, Dunlap said.

I’m not buying this argument. In 16 years there has been no building upgrades? There are no senior centers, fraternal order lodges, or churches that would meet this “stringent” ADA requirement?


Why not just shut them all down? Go BIG or go home, Kobach.

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And of course, we’ll just apply that little test to the only place where the brown people are the majority…

13,000 people (mostly brown), serviced by 1 polling place.

1,200 per polling place elsewhere?

How blatant do they have to be for something to give???

Why is no-one bringing forward a lawsuit. Maybe can’t afford one, eh? Gotcha!

Meanwhile, 3 hour lines in Georgia’s ONE early voting location. Seriously, we need to fix our elections. VOTE BLUE and get these Republic-murdering “Republicans” out of our house!