Discussion for article #238425
“Joe McLaughlin, an associate English professor, told the Columbus Post-Dispatch, the emails are symptomatic of the privatization of higher education.”
Correction: Columbus Dispatch…not Post-Dispatch.
This just highlights one of the biggest problem we have fighting racism, because racists don’t even think racism is real. They believe it’s just a trick minorities use to manipulate us into giving them free stuff. And so the instant they hear an accusation of racism, they automatically shake their heads and think “here they go again.” And when we attack a racist statement or action, they just think “Hey, that’s what I do and I’m not a bad guy” and fail to consider the possibility they might be mistaken about that.
And it also highlights a big reason Republicans are so unsuccessful in elections they can’t rig. They know they can fool some of the people all of the time, so they truly believe that they can fool all of the people if they just work hard enough. But in reality, the only people you can fool are the ones who want to be fooled, and with everyone else, all you’re doing is making things worse.
I was going to comment along those lines but you said it better. By the way, I read the first two paragraphs of the article three times and just can’t even get in these guys heads at all.
“To let a small group of people overrule the Foundation and the University Trustees just doesn’t make sense.Everyone should know what will be said if we back down and that will be that “they almost got away with it but we caught them and they backed down” That will be a bad day for Ohio University.”
I am a proud grandad of a current OU student. Ohio University is Athens. What I heard seemed to be that a group of small people were trying to overrule the Foundation and the University Trustees. Peasants and rabble in the street etc.
I know this is a side issue, but … a bat problem requires a new residence? We’ve had bats in our 1890s house. We chased them out. We spent about $500 plugging & screening every hole under the eaves and around windows. The bats didn’t come back.
I’d guess there’s someone on the OSU board who just happens to run a construction company…
Another intersection between class and race, with the ultra-wealthy bigoted old white men trying to get the plebes to just behave.
I’m not sure what $1.2 million would get you in Athens, Ohio? If this was San Francisco, CA, I would say let the university president live in a studio apartment, since that’s all he’d get. Although it seems that $600,000 in Athens can get you a 5/3.5 with 3,000 sq ft… hell, what does a public university president need to live in these days? Sounds like the 1%ers circling the wagons.
I had to read this several times before I realized that the man made his error in trying to play the race card.
No, Steven. Republicans play the race card, because they are guilty of racism.
As always, if you’re accusing someone else, you’ve already been doing it for a long, long time.
It’s as if in a few short lines he’s articulated both one of his biggest personal failings as well as the trajectory of potentially one of the biggest professional failures of his career, depending on how big some of his past failures have been. That’s some serious double entendre, prescient, additive irony right there. It’s really quite amazing what I think he almost means. But I’d expect that level of sophisticated strategic thinking from someone who is obviously brilliant, and a very good man, no doubt, as evidenced by his extraordinary success which he inherited through hard work. He knows what the problem is and he has a great solution. And it could work. If only the Liberals…RACIST Liberals would quit being such goddamned hypocritical racist fascists! FUCK!
Yeah, m-a-y-b-e some half altruistic half self-serving move there on some level buried beneath a fart-smart, revealingly stoopid idea probably texted from the best stall in the Grand Poo-Bah’s personal bathroom. FAIL dude. NEXT!
Hmm. Not sure about the race card. How about the “white privilege” card?
And haven’t I seen this guy’s mug somewhere before? Isn’t he the circa 2009-2010 Viagra poster boy?
They don’t, actually. That’s just a stupid Republican straw man that only gets bounced around in the usual wing-nut circles, and isn’t a very accurate account of reality. I hope they give him the shaft.
When alumni donations stop coming in due to that racist, the Board will take notice.
“Fool me once,shame on you, Fool me twice… Uh, won’t get fooled again, heh, heh…”
Make that: the OU board. OSU is The Ohio State University in Columbus O. There were stories about other aspects of the purchase of the subject off-campus home by a third party and a round about donation to an OU fund,.
“Just because I demean the President as a lying duplicitous socialist communist Kenyan Muslim who not only hates America but has every intention of redistributing wealth from legitimate, hard-working white earners to lazy, dependent, jobless African Americans is no reason to call me a racist. I never called him a nigger.”
As a faculty member over my career I’ve brought in close to $7.5 million in research grants. Nobody ever gave me a house…or a $485k salary. Can I have one of those race cards please?
My bad, sorry
Well said.
Asking fellow donors to “play the race card” seems quite easy for a senior racist to do. Why is that?