I’ve wanted to ask that but didn’t want to appear to be rude. It’s a symptom of a few conditions, (I looked it up) but I really don’t know.
Hickox remains at risk of being infected with Ebola until the end of a 21-day incubation period, Dr. Sheila Pinette.
“It is my opinion that the respondent should be subjected to an
appropriate public health order for mandatory direct active monitoring
and restrictions on movement as soon as possible and until the end of
the incubation period … to protect the public health and safety,” she
This is one very pathetic heath worker - must be political; If she doesn’t know the federal CDC guidelines, she should educate herself…
It’s no sin either way, IMHO. My partner has tattooed eye liner, and she looks great.
Redstate and Freerepublic are over that way >
I’ve got a couple of batsh*t wingnuts in my office running around screaming that we’re all gonna get Eboooola because she’s selfish.
Wooncha know, both hardcore Focks watcher.
just fear the mentally unstable Gov LePage - out of frustration - and anger - doing something stupid & destructive
Those are the same people who would be totally cool with interning Japanese-Americans or Muslim Americans.
Sadly, I think our US Supreme Court would have ruled 5-4 that the state believed it was acting in the public interest and so the state should be allowed to take the desired action.
See, Christie was smart enough not to take her to court. He let her go home, preening and lying his *ss off all the while, but he knew any court was going to rule precisely this way. Maine’s guv is, of course, far too stupid to realize he was putting his arm into a mowing machine.
Just tell them, with grave sincerity, that fear releases neuro-enzymes [any science-like term or phrase will do] that make the body particularly susceptible to ebola and similar viruses. Attribute the information to Keith Ablow. If they say they always watch him and didn’t hear him say it, tell them that it was during a radio interview.
The CDC opposes mandatory quarantine
The Infectious Disease Society of America opposes mandatory quarantine http://www.idsociety.org/2014_ebola_quarantine/
The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America opposes mandatory quarantine
The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology opposes mandatory quarantine http://www.apic.org/For-Media/Announcements/Article?id=529c5389-b73b-4ae9-8889-e47c6305c3ea#.VE6Qn_xjcv8
So it appears that you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.
Sorry @pmm080, I misunderstood which health care worker you were referring to.
Dr. Sheila Pinette, Maine’s top public health official, appointed by Gov. Paul LePage - describes herself as conservative and opposed to abortion. She does not accept MaineCare patients in her practice, saying the billing system is too convoluted and unreliable to justify the program’s low reimbursement rates
here’s an ironic comment from 2011 when she was appointed -
Choice to lead Maine’s CDC raises concerns
Some in the public health arena cite Dr. Sheila Pinette’s lack of experience; others question her political views.
Tina Pettingill, executive director of the Maine Public Health Association, said public health providers are genuinely curious about Pinette and her plans.
“This is an extremely important and influential position,” she said. “What matters to me is that they are able to look at the science and the data and use that effectively.”
Deborah Deatrick, vice president of community health at MaineHealth, said she is curious how the CDC director will deal with high-profile issues such as epidemics. “Anybody who comes into this job really does need to understand emergency preparedness,” she said.
Troll got educated.
Won’t stick, of course.
Nice to see that at least one judge understands dealing with Ebola should be done from a science evidence based aspect and not one based on fear or political expediency…
Ebola has been around since the 70’s and no one was ever accosted as this nurse and a few others have been. For 40 plus years American scientists and health care workers have dealt with Ebola and we never got into a panic over it like we have recently… Just sayin’.
This is a good example of what a dick Paul LePage is, just four days before his reelection…Remember that Mainers!!!
Judge Charles C. LaVerdiere…he’d get my vote, but I think he was probably appointed.
If ebola were anywhere near as easy to spread as the paranoids think, then the population of Africa would be 70% gone by now.
Considering that we currently don’t have a permanent Surgeon General because the current nominee is somebody who annoyed conservatives, causing various Democratic senators to be scared of voting to confirm him, I’m not sure exactly how that would work out… (on the one hand, if he dropped out I would love to replace him with somebody who annoys them even more; on the other, I actually like him and would prefer that he get the friggin job.)
Here’s the Portland Press Herald on LePage’s nominating Mayhew as head of DHHS… ‘LePage said he had trouble finding someone who was willing to take the DHHS job, so he turned to Mayhew. “We have interviewed an awful lot of people from all over the country,” he said during a news conference at the State House. “I will tell you right now I have been rejected more by women in the last two weeks than in four years of high school and six years of college, and it’s all about money. We can’t pay enough.”
Talk about a ringing endorsement. I wonder how Mayhew felt, standing there.
The results have been about what you might expect: massive overpayments to Medicaid providers that the state is so clueless about it can’t recover those overpayments; continued Medicaid coverage provided to 19,000 individuals MaineCare (Maine’s Medicaid program) thought had been dropped from coverage (resulting in a completely effed up budget process), document shredding at the Maine CDC (with Mayhew’s knowledge, apparently to cover up the inappropriate awarding of contracts, and which the FBI is poised to investigate), the loss of federal certification for the state’s Riverview Psychiatric Center (due to safety concerns for patients and staff), and no-contract bids to cronies, inc. a $1 million contract to the Alexander Group to rationalize not expanding Medicaid in Maine, a report that failed to meet any of its deliverables, and which appears to have been a cut-and-past job culled from a report done for another state.