Discussion: Maine Guv Shoots Back At Stephen King: 'Make Me The Villain Of Your Next Book'

This was my first thought. My second thought was that if (when, I hope) Kings does what he just said was fine he’ll sue King for character defamation.

Please write this book, pleas, please, please.

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Horror writers know that there’s nothing scarier than what humans will do to each other. LePage may not appreciate what happens next if King takes him up on the offer.

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Mr LePage maybe Mr King left your state because of the winters. Or your poor leadership and he’s just too nice a guy to tell you to your face.

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I think the Republican presidential primaries need Le Page to fill out the hostile obnoxious wing of the party.

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Especially now that Gomer of Texas has decided not to run due to terminal baldness…

Weak response, which of course does nothing to address the fact that he was called out and proven wrong on the actual “issue” he instigated with his stupid statement about taxes and Mr. King in the first place.

Major fail.

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OK, Villain in Stephen King’s next book will be an obese, incontinent, pathological lying, cross-eye, nose picking, drooling, village idiot in powder blue polyester jumpsuit & who compulsively pleasures himself in public.

They started even before that, with the Knox County tea party group that boosted him stealing a student mural about labor from the school room they were renting during the Republican convention and tossing it in a dumpster. Great people all around.

Golly gee gosh gonkers (lol) it’s a new Stephen King story, fellas! Throw it in the trash with all the others

not that I prefer the other guy or anything, I obviously do not

The villian?

Anybody whose read King’s books knows there’s always an asshole who gets himself killed around page 122 by doing something stupid. That’s more LaPage’s speed.

Maybe he already is ?