Discussion: Maine GOP Gov.: House Should ‘Rethink What They’re Doing’ On Health Care

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Ignorance must have it’s day.

Love the smell of Republican Internecine Warfare in the mornings.


Even thought LePage is not a member of the Freak/Dumb Caucus he pretty much speaks for them. They won’t support any bill that directs money to poor people.

What he said was a whole lot of nothing. Just like his whole time in public office… nothing.


They have three forces they are trying to reconcile:

  1. they hate Obama, so Obamacare has to go
  2. they hate Government, so Obamacare has to go
  3. they love their cushy jobs, so some form of Obamacare has to stay

The last one is the strongest of the three.


LePage had gastric surgery to control his weight recently. Paid for by the public insurance he gets on my dime.

In the mean time, I had a hysterectomy… that I needed and was not optional. My local hospital is taking money from me each month as I don’t have enough cash for the THOUSANDS of dollars it costs me out of pocket. And I have insurance.

I really really despise the republicans in office now days. Really. Collins might have a smidge of credibility on some issues… but the magic R stains her.


Perhaps he shouldn’t have helped Shifty D-Money go from New York to DC.

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Why does anyone solicit this moron’s comments? He’s an embarrassment to Maine.

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When you’ve lost even the crazy wingnuts…


I’m very frightened; I agree with something Paul LePage said. Cats and dogs, living together!!

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Every time LePage surfaces as the “voice of reason” I have a really good laugh.

It’s not clear to me what LePage’s real motives are here… is he simply re-affirming his opposition to any plan that doesn’t end the ACA outright, or is he tacitly acknowledging that plenty of Mainiacs now have access to health insurance and he knows taking it away from them won’t be popular?


It would be logical for him to oppose repealing Obamacare, on a faux dedication to conservative principles, but in fact because he approves.
On the other hand, he is crazy.

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When he says nothing he’s doing well, no? And when he does nothing, that’s better than most of the time, isn’t it?

Can’t argue with your logic… :frowning: Just wish we had a gov that was worth a good fart.

Me thinks you think that he actually thinks!