Discussion: Madeleine Albright Warns A Trump Victory Would Be A ‘Gift’ To Putin

Ignore THIS, media.


Albright was a good speaker but lemme tell ya Ol’ Bill can speechify like NOBODY’S BIDNESS!!!
Extemporaneous…no notes ,teleprompter…nuthin’


Thank you Madame Secretary.
Words that carry the weight of experience.



That was masterful, vintage Bill Clinton. I spent the entire time just listening, doing nothing else. He pretty much singlehandedly reintroduced Hillary to the nation – the real one those of us who have followed her have known.


“I know what happens when you give the Russians a green light,” she said. “Trump’s dark vision of America, one that’s isolated in the world, alienated from our allies, would be a disaster.”

If I was Ukrainian or from any of the Baltic countries or even Poland, I’d be very worried about a future that included Trump as U.S. President. I think Putin is a 21st century czar who wants to rule Russia and its former Soviet satellite nations as a despot… and Trump would let him do it as long as he gets casino rights to all of Russia. This effectively makes Trump a Russian agent.


As a counter to the fact that Russia via Gazprom having real leverage over Europe combined with a POTUS compromised by being in financial debt to Russia… really, really bad idea. Just sayin’


I don’t know that gift is the right term here. Putin is paying for it after all.

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Oh, c’mon. Trump is the master of the deal! He wouldn’t give Putin free reign to conquer all of the Soviet Union’s former satellites just to get casino rights. That’s absurd - I’m certain Trump would insist on getting hotel rights too.

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Yes, but Putin is paying so little that the IRS would make him declare it a gift on his returns anyway - which I suspect makes it a moot point.

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I think she needs to put it in stronger terms than “Gift”, I would love to read a piece she might write on this bromance and the very real implications on Russian-US relations. Trump is seriously clueless, Manafort is an opportunist and that ditz general is missing half his load of bricks.

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As chief financier for Trump, Putin has full control of Trump’s financial fortunes. With that choke hold on a President Trump, USA would be toast as we know it. Wealth is more important to Trump than any other factor.

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Yes, and hopefully the “change maker” theme will impress Sanders supporters, some of whom see Hillary as an apologist for the status quo.

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