Discussion: Lynne Patton Wanted To Be On A Reality Show About Black Republicans

You have an interesting background emiliano. I learn something from you everyday.


I understood. I think my suggestion equally applies. (We might also add the Trumpettes.)

“Nothing proves this point more than the partisan reaction to my committee appearance this week. God forbid, a black Republican is in the room based upon her own merit and can think for herself."

Number of news articles or opinion pieces I have seen questioning whether she is black, Republican, “in the room based upon her own merit”, or “can think for herself”: ZERO. Has this been going on somewhere that I’m not aware of? Is this pure deflection? Or is this an understandable misapprehension of why the whole stunt is being criticized by the dirty dirty libs?




See? Tons of up and coming Black Republicans. Why just look how diverse the current crop of WH interns is!


:musical_score: 3/4 time :notes:

It’ll get ya every Oom-Pa-Pa


For years before the Republican Party went crazy you had Black Republicans like Senator Ed Brooke, Colin Powell and H.W Bush era HHS secretary Louis Sullivan were more in the party of Lincoln mold who were more in line with supporting parts of the New Deal and Great Society along with Eisenhower, Rockefeller and Nixon domestic and foreign policies. Ike happened to get around 40% of the Black vote.
Then you have Black Conservatives like Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Larry Elder, Justice Janice Rogers Brown and Star Parker want to roll back not only the Great Society and New Deal but want them declared unconstitutional as in the Lockner decision. Basically go back to the pre Progressive Teddy Roosevelt eta when wage, hour and worker safety laws did not exist. There was no FDA where unscrupulous merchants sold miracles remedies. In other words the “plantation” of corporate malfeasance with few regulations, no social insurance leading to diminished livelihood and less productivity and efficiency.
Some years ago I saw Black conservative activist Star Parker on Bill Maher’s PI show. She was going on about how we did not need the EPA if you want clean water in her words “just go to a store and buy a bottle of Evian” She also said that Social Security should be closed out. “Just mail everyone their last check”.
These folks like Ms. Patton aren’t Republicans or traditional Conservatives, they’re nihilists.


Yeah, I bet you’re right. Like a waltz.



Every year at the Grammys the Polka category is dominated by the likes of Jimmy Sturr. Jimmy Sturr and his band again? You almost think it was fixed.


Ooh ya …

The traditional ballroom waltz is nothing short of … Stunning — :clap:

She is on tape with Omarosa and Katrina Pierson, blithely discussing how best to spin the eventual release of video of Trump using the N-word. All three express disbelief that he never said it.


Likewise, Omarosa…

That sounds like a very sad show.


The other day in this space I was pushing back a little on the idea that trotting out Patton was a racist act, rather than just a poor argument. It had escaped me then that she was the party planner with no housing or government experience who Trump gave a position at HUD. It gets worse by the day. I’ve decided to claim that I was misquoted in all my previous attempts to soften the attacks on Meadows. That guy sucks.


What squirrel town said: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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I think I’ll make myself the spokesperson for all Jewish Americans.
I mean, what the hell could go wrong?


Yes ma’am, that’s what I was thinking.


This is one of Trump’s brilliant strategies. He appoints completely unqualified people to important positions (Sarah Huckabee Sanders is another example). In return, Trump gets unqualified loyalty, regardless of the truth.


Yes, her and two other people.

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