Discussion: Lynch Admits Meeting With Bill Clinton 'Cast A Shadow' Over Emails Probe

[quote=“castor_troy, post:114, topic:39987”]
is this? If Lynch and Clinton wanted to conspire, there are these weird things called ‘e-mail’, ‘text messages’, ‘snapchat’, etc



Let’s look at this word “meeting.” If I’m walking down the street & happen to encounter you we have technically had a meeting, being as we met each other. Still, we more usually reserve the word meeting For a planned event at an agreed upon time and place, generally featuring an agenda of some type. Most of us engaging in the social interaction Clinton and Lynch did would more likely term it a visit. Calling it a meeting alters the implications about the nature and purpose.

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But didn’t ya stop to think that maybe that’s exactly what they WANT ya to think!?!?!?

(Cue the dark and dramatic music.)

Right: some perspective.

First of all, is it the case that Lynch never meets with a Republican politician behind closed doors? If that is not the case, why does an equal suspicion of wrongful influence not hang over those encounters? And why does it not hang over the encounters between Lynch and Obama? Lynch is constantly in situations where she is potentially susceptible to secret undue influence. It isn’t her job to run away from every potentially interested party. She couldn’t do her job if that was the case.
Second, is Bill Clinton a special case? Absolutely not. Precisely because he is Mrs. Clinton’s spouse, he has less influence than others.
Third, Bill Clinton is a former President. He gets to speak to administration officials, in private or in public. Many of these officials may have influence. There is nothing untoward about any of it.
Fourth, Bill Clinton is not Hillary. Even if it transpires that the prosecution was mentioned, he’s in hot water, not her. And as said before, Lynch will give less than zero weight to anything he might say.

This is all a load of nonsense that only equals a scandal because of the Clinton ingredient. Let’s not forget that it’s a mini-scandal if she takes a bathroom break during a debate. Lynch better grow some backbone and fight her corner with integrity. Or resign and let someone else who has never met any politician do the job.


Considering the damage to her reputation this has caused, I would call it an ambush. Here she is out in public explaining herself. For LL to have to recuse herself from this important investigation must have been humiliating. And what if there is bias against HRC in the investigation? The AG of the USA won’t be able to do a thing about it.

I gotta agree with @tena up thread. Where did you see this? Lots of Dems seem to be passing on GOP rhetoric on this, and every other faux “scandal” that only helps the GOP rumor mongers. The word “ambushed” suggests this was something nefarious, which is a GOP talking point regardless of what really happened.


Hillary needs to put a LEASH on her husband: he is sabotaging her campaign.

So, to the important point in all this – will this be dubbed “Tarmac-gate,” or the “Clinton-Lynch Affair,” or perhaps something else?

Normally I would guess “-gate,” just because that’s the lazy/default choice. But “affair” has the handy double meaning, adding to its right-wing Clinton-hater appeal, so there’s that.

But Lynch’s office is in the same building as Hillary’s main campaign hq in Brooklyn, NY. Why would they have to wait to get up to nefarious stuff on a tarmac when they share the same building and could confab in the corridor, the coffee room, the planetarium…


Now, really, ct. Were both their planes on the tarmac at a time when HRC was under investigation by LL’s office and the Big Dog didn’t meet with LL, that could’t possibly reflect poorly on HRC and LL, or on himself, for that matter. Although, it seems to me (just my opinion, here) that the Big Dog enjoys a good roll in the mud and he enjoys coming home dirty, too.

Still, that is what she should have done. Waved to him from the door, yelled “Nice to see ya, Bill. Give my regards to Chelsea! Gotta run! Bye…” Slam! Whoosh!

Problem is, one of those Dems is Lynch. Which is my entire point in this thread.

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Exactly, which is why she shouldn’t be apologizing for anything. A, you have nothing to apologize for, so why would you, B, you do have something to apologize for, but why would you, just to give goppers something to rant about?

Screw them, stop apologizing and start throwing crap right back at them. Ask them when Trump is going to release his tax returns and other financials so we know who is trying to influence him, when you do that then you can come back and worry about a former two term President who is wildly popular all over the freaking world because of all the things he does to make the world a better place, and spare me his self serving angle, I don’t effing care.


That’s right, it is a problem, a problem that Democrats have when they’re trying to please and appear “fair and balanced.”

Gotta stop being “fair and balanced” and embrace your party. Stop spewing gop bs and rhetoric. Tena is right yet again, screw the gop and their concerns. Lets govern this damn country and sweep these supercilious turds into the dustbin of history please.


You’re living in a vacuum. The election isn’t about you or me. It’s about people who are not solidly for Clinton or Trump (hard as it is to believe, there are such folks out there). To them, this looks suspicious or–at the very least–insensitive. It was a monumentally stupid thing to do.

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I am of the opinion that this is a non-scandal…to think it looks ‘suspicious’ is to ignore logic (like WTF have a ‘secret’ meeting on a public tarmac when so many other avenues coughphonescough are available).

That said, I am also of the opinion that it was indeed a monumentally stupid thing to do because of optics.

THAT said, I am also of the opinion that drumpf/Cheeto Jesus/Orange Foolius will say or do something in the next 72 hours that is so outrageous, so insane, so mothereffingareyouserious out there despite the fact that everyone thinks he’s gone as ‘out there’ as possible that this so-called ‘scandal’ will be soon forgotten by the MSM. I mean, it is the 4th of July weekend. The man will not be able to pass up an opportunity to say something 'Murica that his followers eat up but that makes the rest of the world say HOLYEFFINGELL.

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On the one hand, she is the Head of Justice. So she has the final say on what may be an ongoing investigation involving Bill’s wife… And her impartiality and appearance thereof is paramount. On the other hand, I would not call it “flopping around” just because she was authentic in her explanation. She is certainly getting a taste of what it is like to be subjected to Clinton-hating irrationality, and getting a lesson on how to tell her detractors to pound sand without sounding like she is doing so.

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It would be reported as “Bill Clinton snubs Loretta Lynch and THE CLINTONS THINK THEY’RE ABOVE THE LAW”, as a previous commenter said.

Bill may enjoy whatever.

What’s really annoying is that so many people have been innoculated into thinking that anything a Clinton does is a scandal, shady, and suspect.

Just unbelievable, really.

…And not only scandals, but overt refusals to follow its Senate’s U.S. Constitution mandates, for example, to consider Supreme Court nominations made by the President.


Doesn’t bother me unless new info comes out. It was a visit, not a meeting. Maybe a “chance” meeting. Supposedly, Bill just walked into the plane and she was surprised and they visited with inane subjects. Supposedly, her husband and agents on both sides were there. Get their story of what was talked about if it wasn’t so secret. Somebody may have even recorded the visit the way things go these day and I am guessing there is nothing to the story.

That said, Bill is an oaf at times, a real back slapper and probably got all excited about seeing her and visiting without any intention of finding out or commenting on the email issue. I see no cause for her to recuse herself and she has proven herself to be a fair, balanced, and very measured woman. She says she wouldn’t do it again and that speaks volumes that she is listening and understands that the Trump people and others who don’t like Hillary need something to put Hillary down and try to smear her reputation.

Obviously, I’m a Hillary fan, and I am sure this was a headache for her and a warning for Bill to be more considerate of her reputation, but I don’t consider this a nuclear bomb like some people are doing. I doubt anything will come of it, unless some Republicans want a full-blown investigation for millions of dollars and witness interviewing for godsake.