Discussion: Luxury Resort In Singapore Will Host United States-North Korea Summit

5 days is a long time for two mercurial man-children to stick to anything so we’ll see…

1’ 15’ 24.51 W - 103’ 49’ 13.23 E
just in case a tomahawk cruise missile or 50 needs something to blow up.


WOW… I guess there is no Trump property in Singapore.

Thanks you for the info, Sarah.
Sincerely, ISIS

I just want to know if we are going to pick up the bill for North Korea. This would clearly make US support for this POTUS waiver. It is bad enough that there is a coin out there with the two of them on it. Obviously, if during Obama’s time or during GW’s time there was a commemorative picture/coin of the US president with Castro, or The Supreme leader of Iran, or of the Iraqi leader (Talibani).

I’m also not understanding why N. Korea can’t pay its own way. Why would we need to pick up his tab? I don’t get that one bit. What’s the reason for that? We’re not hosting this shit in our own country and even if we were…I still wouldn’t get why we’re paying for his accommodations or anything else for that matter.

The Singaporeans are picking up part of the tab out of their diplomatic budget.

Interesting points to note:

  1. The offshore location is an island called Pulau Sentosa, ‘Island of Peace’; it used to be called Pulau Blakang Mati, ‘Island of Death From Behind’.

  2. Singapore used to host British nuclear bombers (the Vulcan fleet) back in the early 1960s.

  3. The southern coast of Singapore is where elements of the US Pacific Fleet dock when they’re in town. Various useful facilities are also located there. Nobody’s going to be launching cruise missiles in that area. Security will be high; Singapore itself has got the most advanced fleet in that area.