Discussion: Louisiana's Dem Governor Signs Anti-Abortion 'Fetal Heartbeat' Bill Into Law

And capital punishment. Opposition to capital punishment in the same Papal missive as the opposition to abortion.


That Airbus has already taken off and is en route ahead of schedule.


Sure, they claim to be Demā€™s.

But theyā€™ve been voting repugnican since LBJ pushed through the Civil Rights Act.


What is kinda weird to me (as a former Southerner) is how all these folks are now Catholics. That used to be purely Baptist vs. Methodist territory! With a big anti-Catholic prejudice.

Yippee, theyā€™ve learned to be tolerant? she said weakly, with a confused & puzzled expression.


Maybe Iā€™m nitpicking, but Iā€™m really beginning to loathe the phrases people use when discussing abortion. ā€œPro-Lifeā€ - as if those who disagree are anti-life, and ā€œAnti-Abortionā€ - as if those who disagree are pro-abortion.

Say what it is - Anti-Legalization of Safe Abortions and Pro-Legalization of Safe Abortions.


Yes, and nuns beating the shit out of your left hand if you use it to write with.


Once, when I was railing against the current Pope because of his complete ban on contraception, my raised-Catholic friend stated, ā€˜well I ignored that & used birth control, like most US Catholicsā€™.

My rebuttal - that rich, well-educated white girls have that luxury, not so much some others (donā€™t get me started on Mother f-ing Teresa) - left her unmoved.

Two sets of rules. One for me, and one for thee!


I tend to go with Pro-Choice and Forced Birthers.


Hopefully he just flushed his future as a Democrat.

Get rid of few more like him, I might consider identifying as one.

Baby stepsā€¦

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Fast forwarding, thanks to Joe Biden, chair of the Judiciary Committee at that time who evidently didnā€™t realize he was the chair and didnā€™t/couldnā€™t/wouldnā€™t act to rein in raging Hatch and his diatribe about Hll having read the Exorcist and quoted from it vis a vis Clarenceā€™s sexist behavior.

Joe attempted an apology recently, it was too little and too late, and Hill to her credit didnā€™t fully accept it.


Whatever happened to Maddow ā€œgiggles too much and talks too fastā€ and a steady diet was out of the question.

You want Times reporters, go to Nicolle Wallace at 4:00 ET where she has her boyfriend Michael Schmidt on regularly.


Only if those entertainment companies actually pull the trigger.

My mother, Catholic, born in 1931, used birth control, as did most of her contemporaries. She raised us to believe in it and use it. And she raised us Catholic, yet still taught us to think for ourselves.

It is simply true that most American Catholics, black, white or hispanic, do not follow their churchesā€™ teaching on birth control.

Iā€™m not saying that these laws do not affect poor women, and poor women of color, more than anyone else. The most certainly do. I lost two friends in high school to back alley abortions. The rich girl who got pregnant got a trip to Europe and is now a grandmother.

But I donā€™t see how American catholics not caring much about the pope and his pronouncements (they certainly didnā€™t while I was still a member over 45 years ago) has anything to do with rich white privilege.


Even if they throw women under the bus?

Edwards could have easily vetoed the bill because it didnā€™t include exceptions for rape and incest and still maintain his pro-life stance. He had a chance to show how Louisiana was better than its neighbors.

He failed, miserably.



There is no reason for Democrats to welcome former members of the Republican party. They just want to use it to push their conservative ideology in places that they canā€™t get elected as Republicans.

We have enough conservadems as it is already.


When we woman on this board start discussing birth control, access to abortion, etc., it often leads to sharing the awful things some of us have endured particularly pre Roe V. where leaving the country was an option if you could afford it but little less.

Thereā€™s a word tossed around more and more lately, agency, defined as the capacity of individuals to act independently and to make their own free choices. We are denied our right and ability to make choices because of men still and probably forever intervening. What the hell do we do to throw off those virtual chains.



OT: Kim Jong Un is no respecter life.


ā€œIā€™m from the government. Itā€™s been six weeks.ā€


You know what the late Christopher Hitchens called Mother F. Teresa? Bird of pray because of her avarice. Also Hellā€™s Angel. Borrowing from Tena, hahahaha



At least this bible thumper isnā€™t a Senator.