Discussion: Louisiana Police Arrest 2 Officers In Shooting Death Of Autistic 6-Year-Old

Discussion for article #242617

How is it the 6 year old is hit 5 times in the head and chest, but the adult only twice? God All Mighty there is something very wrong here.


And yet, even as we speak, sadists and authoritarians are on FB and comment sections across the Internet making up whatever facts are necessary to make this the victims’ fault. Don’t even have to check to know its true.


But I did, and, of course, it is.



You did what, and what is? (I feel like Dylan’s Mr. Jones)

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I’m surprised since the child is white and the cops are black, but that also explains why they were charged immediately and it doesn’t appear any police union is demonizing the autistic 6 year old… Yet.


Isn’t there some rule that all Responsible Gun Owners® follow about “watching your background”?

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Yeah, that thought occurred to me as well. While I am sure that these guys deserve to be charged with murder, for some reason I don’t recall many white officers charged for killing black children.

I even hate to think that, but I know it’s true.


Thankfully, police unions throughout the nation have been jarred into action.

Never again, they swear, never again shall we allow Quentin Tarantino to use the term “murderer” for any police officer, no matter what the officer has done.


Why is this incidence different than all the other cop killings? Dumb question right.

This one puts the cops into a pretty tough situation. Do they admit that the cops just shot carelessly, or worse, intentionally? Or do they throw the black cops to the wolves for shooting a white kid and remove all pretentions?

I think these two cops are being sacrificed as an image saver.

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You walked into the thread,
with your keyboard at your hand,
read NCSteve’s post and, uh,
you can’t understand,
that he looked up wing nut’s posts,
all across the land,
and found they blame the victims
bein’ shot by the man.
NC’s saying something,
but you don’t know what it is,
Do you, Ramblin’ man?


If it were a planned killing they would not have been wearing body cams.

This does not eliminate the possibility that they intended to kill when they shot.

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Eesy Peesy! The kid was strapped into a car seat and couldn’t move.

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What is the reason for all the shots being fired? I didn’t read where Few had done anything and especially anything that would bring on the barrage of bullets.

Plus, they knew they had the body cams on. It seems to me that they just think that they can get away with everything.

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Four cops at the scene of a traffic stop of a man and his child - why were guns even considered a necessity to control this situation? The two cops charged so far are part-timers, for which policing is a second job! How much vetting and training did they have?


Cue the Police Union Rep to BLAME THE VICTIM!
“That kid should have got out of his carseat and spread-eagled on the ground when the officers failed to say anything before shooting into the car!” HE WAS A THUG!
Trust me. It’s coming.


I don’t have enough information about what the body cams show to judge how the event went down. If the cops set out intending to kill with the body cams on , things are even worse than I have thought.

At first the story was that they were trying to execute an arrest warrant and chases of that nature have been known to get out of hand but now sheriff’s office is denying knowledge of any such warrant.

It’s usually about 4 to 5 days before enough information filters out to give us a chance of clarifying what went down.

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I’ll speculate that whatever it turns out to be, it won’t be worthy of two cops unloading their guns and randomly killing a 100% innocent child.
Collateral damage is a term for movies not a legal excuse.