Discussion: Los Angeles Unified Schools Closed After Bomb Threat To Board Member

Discussion for article #243779

Somebody does not want to take their exams.
I hope the idiot who issued this threat gets caught and put in the hoosegow.


Beat me to it. But yeah that’s my bet.


Oh look…a new and fun way for white “sovereign citizen” racist types to deny education to minority students…


It was digital, so a very good chance of nailing the person. And this is a serious crime, so indeed throw the book at them.

There is nothing going on. The schools are all empty. Everyone has been sent home.
Hundreds of reporters will be on the the scene all day to tell just that,over,and over again.
There is nothing going on. The schools are all empty. Everyone has been sent home.


The threat was likely issued by what we all know to be the most prominent terrorist subset of the U.S. population: A white male aged 16-35.


Maybe. Unless the guy was an idiot IP chasing will lead to a Starbucks with grainy video of a kid in a hoodie.

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Is that the Superintendent of Schools? Looks like a football coach.

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Can you tell that Faux and its Teatroll army are priming the pump and absolutely drooling over their hopes that it turns out to be a Muslim extremist threat? I mean, just look at how they have the front page of the website and the article it links to…


Watch how fast “credible terror threat” turns into “mentally ill person called in a hoax” if it turns out to be some RWNJ extremist. Watch. All forms of the word “terror” will disappear from the story.


If the person sends a bomb threat electronically, they are already not too bright. But BBC says one unnamed police official says it is “thought to have come from overseas”. Not confirmed yet, but if it turns out to be true I retract my “easy to find them” comment for sure.

So… just a thought here (and with the big assumption that this is really a real threat), but unless the bomb is made out of unrefrigerated mayonnaise, what’s a day or two, or ten, going to do to thwart this? Backpacks in schools… not really something you can do without.

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Finals Week already?


chalk up a major victory for national security threatre. one friggin email shut down the entire l.a. school district. and provided the cables an opportunity to return to an onslaught of fear-mongering… all of those former fbi/cia mid-level directors of whatever department are frantically making their way to the make-up chairs.

well, at least this is a reprieve from the trump coverage; although this will result in another 10pt bounce in the polls…


When an anonymous email threat from overseas can shut down over 1,000 schools in LA and keep 650,000 kids from going to school, this country has finally given into fear, and the “terrorists” have won.


Good point, but one small quibble - contrary to CW, mayonnaise’s acidity actually reduces food spoilage. :wink:

Face it. ISIL has won.
They have turned the USA into a nation of frightened little children hiding behind their mommy’s skirts.
You have MORE chance of being KILLED by a meteorite crashing through your car roof while driving on the interstate than you do of being just INJURED in a “Terrorist Attack” yet Americans (mostly cowardly, white, right-wingers) curl up in a ball at the very THOUGHT of “The Terrorists.”
Thanks American “If it bleeds it leads” MSM.


I just saw on CNN that the threat came from Germany via email. Dang! I had the sound off so I missed the detail but seeing as it came from Europe then catching this jerk might have just gotten a tad bit harder. I do so hope they get him/her. But this certainly widens the threat. And just now via CNN a threat in NYC at schools and the language used seems to be not Jihadi related but is very similar to the language in L.A. But in NYC they are saying it’s a hoax.

But nontheless if this jerk gets caught throw whatever book is available at them. And here’s hoping it’s hard bound and about 700 pages so it’s good and weighty with some sharp edges. NYC isn’t closing schools but they are paying strong attention to this. The Mayor doesn’t seem to be caving to fear which is good.


The scary thing is how much chaos can be caused by one clown with a laptop.