This might have changed, I lived for a short period of time in LA 30 years ago, and I was surprised that the USC campus was in rougher neighborhood that I expected it, at the time shootings were not uncommon in the area.
The OJ Simpson murders happened right around the corner…kind of
Ever been to a Lakers game? Now that’s a scary neighborhood.
If “kind of “ is 14 miles away in an entirely different municipality, then yeah, it’s right around the corner. And although Staples Center is within a couple of miles of the location of these reported (unconfirmed) shots fired, the Lakers home court, in the LA Live area is hardly scary
Yeah, that’s why I said kind of. And its been at least 40 years since I went to some Lakers games and I completely bailed on basketball over 20 years ago.
But when I went to the house that Jack built, it was truly scary. We had to stop for gas and that was probably the first time that I felt vulnerable and like I was going to get beat or something just for being whitish.
I never even heard of the “LA Live” area, where is it?
A very simple and honest/innocent question, why did you feel compelled to comment when your knowledge/information is so admittedly out of date?
The information that apparently is currently out of date is not what I commented on.
I went to Lakers games and that’s what happened and I wondered if the other guy had ever done that.
I wasn’t really compelled, it was just small talk, ya know, chit chat. I’m sorry that it rubbed you the wrong way.
I’ve been out of SoCal for 25 years now and have triple chemo brain besides CRS syndrome (can’t remember shit) that comes on with age.
I openly admit to faux pas regarding my memory.
Is my past irrelevant because things have changed?
ETA; still like to know what the LA Live area is.