I’ll drink a Fourth of July beer to that. The broader society saying no and taking care of these refugees like they’re fellow human beings.
But amid an international outcry, Trump issued an executive order
last week to stop the separation of immigrant families at the border.
What a show …
He has to issue an order to stop something in his own 0 tolerance policy ? ? …
It was only done to get in front of the cameras …
and to mitigate the consequence of feeding his base dog biscuits ----
But the Country won’t forget —
donnie needs be handed over to the Dementors
"The Dementors kiss is said to be almost unbearable to witness …
but I’ll do my best " …
(Severus Snape)
Now that’s what I call an Independence Day feel good story!
Hooray, LA! (Can’t believe I’m typing those words. It’s not exactly my favorite city in America…)
matt, my first Coors Lite will be raised with those sentiments. no guarantees when we get to rounds of Margaritas. a little weed maintenance will be called for.
"Dementors are among the foulest creatures that walk this earth. They infest the darkest, filthiest places, they glory in decay and despair, they drain peace, hope, and happiness out of the air around them… Get too near a Dementor and every good feeling, every happy memory will be sucked out of you.
This may backfire on Donnie, he may like it, but I hope not.
“I’ll drink a Fourth of July beer to that. The broader society saying no and taking care of these refugees like they’re fellow human beings.”
I’ll happily join you.
The immigration policy is toxic, even for Trump (and that is saying a lot!). Support or rejection of the policy should be very public standard that democrats running for state and local office apply to their opponents. Some “divisive’ issues should be exactly that.
I could run in the reddest state and say I support a tight immigration policy but I don’t support taking children away from their parents, and I doubt I’d get any serious pushback on that. The wrongness of the separation policy is apparent to nearly anyone. Only the real Kool-aid types are going for that.
That’s why the few evangelical types I know are just pretending that it’s not real, is completely false or exaggerated, is really just temporary country club accommodations, or (of course) started by Obama.
Their advance planning impressed me: “Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti and Supervisor Hilda Solis announced creation of the fund in 2016 ahead of an anticipated immigration crackdown by President Donald Trump.”
For punishment, or as a recruit? Would Dementors lower themselves to hanging out with Trump?
I wonder if state and local law enforcement in red states will become embolden to run their own “zero tolerance” policies on misdemeanors in their states. Jaywalk go to detention, Child Welfare Officers go to your home and take your kids, and send them to facilities across the country.
Ooh a fight between two “he who must not be named” for control of the Dementors? We know the names of the Deatheaters on one side should we name the ones on the other?
would Jarvanka be the Malfoys?
I am willing to risk it —
I’ve quoted this already elsewhere but this is a better thread. From the Declaration of Independence, setting out the King’s crimes against us:
“He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.”
“The broader society saying no” to Trump and his increasingly criminal mal-administration is something that “we the people” must build upon. How appropriate that this declaration from L.A. gets reported on Independence Day. Everyday it is becoming more and more apparent that Trump and his corrupt cadre are becoming an existential threat to our country that must be stopped.
Money is the root of all evil. This redeems that.