Discussion for article #234407
With any luck, and if there is a god, McDoosh will blow out his prostate and retire soon.
I love GOP outrage. It’s so genuine.
Rachel Maddow did great piece last night on this. Priceless back and forth between Rachel and her guest in which neither says this is all about race, but the implication is clear.
3 words…WAR ON WOMEN
Republicans’ War on Women. It’s all about Controlling a woman’s choices. Republican men want to CONTROL over a woman’s body. Seriously they consider women less than themselves, we’re property in their eyes/ Centuries’ old entitlement to rule over women.
The Republican theme of pretty much every national election at least since 1980 when newly RNC-nominated presidential candidate Ronald Reagan went to Philadelphia Mississippi and delivered his shining new “states’rights” speech on the Southern Strategy has been How To Screw Over Colored People.
The theme of this coming presidential election to occur in 2016 is clearly How To Screw Over Women.
No one asked Loretta Lynch to be either black or a woman. It’s difficult to blame her for being both, but the GOP’s faced up to the tough choice here and they’re gonna do it. Call it partial payback for the High Class Lynching [Hey Ho!] that prevented formerly happy-go-lucky minstrel singler now poor downtrodden legal visionary Uncle Thomas from serving on the SCOTUS, in exactly the same way gravity ignores mass.
Yes, Lynch’s peculiar circumstances make it difficult to determine which has primary focus in the screw job she’s experiencing. Nonetheless, I have little doubt that Republicans would - if they only could - seriously consider granting to her the choice of being screwed over because she’s black, or because she’s female, or because she’s a black woman.
This is how far we’ve come since Reagan’s pilgrimage to white supremacy.