Increasingly unlikely?
Just like it’s increasingly unlikely that North Korea will hand over its nukes by close of business today.
How does a probability become less than zero, anyway?
No surprise that every previous claim to want to interview was a bold lie by Trump, Giuliani, et alia. This will make Mueller work a bit harder to not need more lies under oath by DJT.
Everybody knows that when you take the 5th (or do the equivalent), you’re guilty…DJT has publicly said so many times.
“Nobody is going to consider impeachment if public opinion has concluded this is an unfair investigation, and that’s why public opinion is so important,” Mr. Giuliani said.
So the party of law and order is nothing more than a PR and propaganda firm.
Increasingly unlikely
This is clearly sarcasm, nice work, Kate !
Their so-called ideology is simply the horse they beat and use to ride into power. Once power is achieved, they do whatever pays the bills and retains power. Same as it ever was.
The Art of the Squeal
public opinion had your guy lose by 3 million votes and a tiny inauguration crowd - heed that if you will, rudy
I saw a crow on BBC that talks in a Yorkshire accent and I think I’d rather hear what the crow thinks about this than what Giuliani has to say.
I only use the white makeup for television interviews.
Guliani quote cut off… I finished it for you.
“Nobody is going to consider impeachment if public opinion has concluded this is an unfair investigation, and that’s why public opinion is so important, that we continue to manipulate public opinion via Fox, Facebook, and Twitter"
Next you will hear that it will have to be public opinion of registered republicans only. WHAT a joke.
Well, you should ask Giuliani if he’s all right because I don’t think he is.
Really, this news is not a surprise too me! It is very clear that Trump is throwing up all kinds of roadblocks to interview with Mueller.
Confirming an agreement with jurist.Kennedy for a new opening on a seat on SCOTIS, is going to allow Trump to bank on his appointees’ LOYALTY to him!
Having these guarantees him just about any damn thing he wants!!!
Is this what AMERICA wants?
No caption necessary.
Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani reportedly said that their new demands include Mueller concluding that Trump has committed a crime before their interview
In which case Mueller would interview two scoops while he’s seated in a chair next to a judge.
By using the New Math.
Talk about dating myself.
And in another part of the world, a big baby blimp. Newsflash to Rudy… your guy is a loser.
Mueller or the tRump legal team (TLT) is playing rope a dope here.
TLT 7 months ago: give us the questions ahead of time
OSC: Well that’s something we could consider
TLT now: We want all the evidence before we submit to an interview
OSC: Well that’s different let’s give it some thought
Someone is being played.
TLT must be banking on this whole thing dragging out long enough for some SCOTUS shenanigans to give them air cover
OSC likely has a shit-tonne of other stuff and the obstruction charges are just legal-ass puffery to keep the TLT occupied before the carpet bombing of conspiracy, money laundering and other mind-blowing feces hits the legal fan.
I’m hoping anyway.
And a coward…
And then there’s this…