Discussion: London Mayor: Jindal Needs 'Gentle Education' On Muslim 'No-Go Zones'

Discussion for article #233260

a gentle slap upside the head might educate the knucklehead from Louisiana. But a 2 x 4 would work much better


He had me until “gentle.”


American asshattery is becoming internationally famous.

Jindal is following the well worn path of Fox News and former Gov. Willard “Mitt” Romney (R-MONEY).


It’s just Bobby’s effort to stop the GOP from being the party of stupid.


Yep, and let’s not forget this guy is a Torie aka Conservative Party. He trashed Romney to hell and back during and after his visit in 2012 and now he’s taking on Jindal. My only issue with him and so many like him is this odd belief that these guys need some sort of education. Jindal is extremely well educated, he’s just an unapologetic liar. I wish folks in politics would just say that more often instead of acting like these people are just innocently confused.


Dear Donald Trump: I think you could rearrange that thing on your head to become a more hip yet still conservative hairstyle. See Boris Johnson.


In a way Boris [love that name] is right. They do need an education. Nowadays, lots of people go to college or university, not to gain enlightenment or a well-rounded education where one learns how to think, but to prepare themselves for the job-market. The days of going to college to receive a “Classical Education” are pretty much over. American education doesn’t teach students how to become leaders, it teaches them how to be led.


Way to go, Piyush. You can write off having any positive regard among the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council at this point. Next step is making an ass of yourself more broadly throughout the solar system. And I wish I had a buck or two for every time you’ve told people we’re not respected in the world because of that awful Obama.



Feh…Why would I believe the actual mayor of London, when I can get teh truth from a Louisiana wingnut governor trying to appeal to a rabid, bigoted base?


I don’t doubt that’s the case with some of these guys, but the vast majority of the most egregious liars went to some of the greatest learning institutions or grew up at a time when college was truly focused on educating students. Jindal, for instance, when to Brown and was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford. He was taught to think, he was taught to lead, but instead chooses to lie in order to impress the Republican base.


The republicans continually embarrass the intelligent citizens of the United States. Europeans, Chinese, Canadian, African, Australian, South American, Central Americans, Indians and all Antarcticians must thin people in the US are all wankers.


Also, that guy is rockin some hair.

Cabin-Boy isn’t going to like that dressing down one bit!

Jindal, like the vast majority of those on the right lack common sense! You can have all the education in the world (think Bush), but it doesn’t help one bit if you don’t have common sense and know how to think and act, outside the herd!

And is a Rhodes Scholar so somewhere the folks at Oxford failed to gently or properly educate Jindal. However, the real reason Jindal said what he said (and he knows better) is just to win favor with his “base”. What a bunch of lowlifes

This has nothing to do with common sense = it is pandering to their base. He is running for President and we know repukes running for President will say and do anything

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Precisely correct. We are not educating students but preparing them to get the highest paying job possible

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But polite people overlook things like that. :wink:

Johnson replied “Oh, come on.”

Excellent response!

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