Discussion: Lochte Apologizes For His Behavior And 'Not Being More Careful Or Candid'

I’m entirely on Rio’s side here - I grew up watching 80’s movies and groups of douchebag jocks getting their comeuppance warms my heart - but six weeks ago it was this:

Civil police chief Fernando Veloso declined multiple requests for an interview. He was quoted in a recent interview in O Globo as saying: “We’re at the limit of our operational capacity, and I can’t discard the possibility of a collapse.”

And now it’s:

The drama surrounding the alleged robbery — and the ever-changing descriptions of it by the swimmers — has shocked and deeply angered Brazilians, who said it cast a false negative shadow on their city and their Olympics at a time the country is eager to prove it can host the games safely.

It seems a little rich.

Lochte took advantage of a bad situation and made it worse. He tried to slander Rio because his hooliganism got his petty ego bruised. Fine him, deport him, jail him, take solace in all the endorsement deals he just flushed down the toilet.

It just seems a little rich for the people who were slandering Rio for the last two months as leverage in a pay dispute to suddenly turn this into a public-relations opportunity.

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So a uniformed policeman holds them at gunpoint until they turn over their money. It’s not a robbery since they got to keep their watches. And I’m sure the policeman who is or will be soon not paid by the government turned every cent over to the gas station employees, who didn’t skim any off the top for themselves before giving the cash to the owner so he could fix damages.

No receipts, of course.

But I’m sure that’s a system that works great, most of the time. :confused:

Am I the only one tired of this story? An over privileged douchebag behaved very badly in Rio created an embarrassing situation and wasting the time of two meany people. He has embarrassed himself, his team and his family. But it’s hardly the Lindbergh kidnapping so let’s move on.

NY paper headline:

Lochte Mess Monster

You’re a white privileged athlete asshole so all it good.

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You might want to re-read the article, as police were not on the scene until after Lochte and crew were gone.

Security guard then, your are right. I’m sure a bunch of drunk off their asses foreigners could tell the difference. The story has changed from one news report to the next as to when the police arrived.

No one looks good in this.