Discussion: Liz Cheney To Run For Wyoming's US House Seat

Discussion for article #245320

If there is a more loathsome example of unmitigated nepotism, I’ve yet to see it. This woman is as viscerally unappealing as Sarah Palin, but no doubt she’ll pull it off as a no-hard-feelings gesture to her father.

Cheneys, Bushes, Clintons…I am so tired of nepotistic dynasties. Get a real job for once and stop sucking off the public teat.


Don’t know what makes her think Wyoming voters will hate her any less this time.


This will go absolutely nowhere. Again. I might have to donate to a competitor out of principle.


I don’t know. As much as I loathe her political views, if you look at her career she is certainly qualified to run for the House. She has been in politics all her life, and compared with certain billionaires or surgeons with zero political job experience, she is highly qualified. I would agree with you if her name was her only qualification. But this is definitely not the case. She is a political scientist and a lawyer, has worked in international law and many years for the State Department both in DC and abroad, and she is an expert on the Middle East. I would never vote for her, but describing her as her father’s daughter falls way too short. If her name were Miller, she’d still be a serious contender for the seat.

Of course her family background gives her some advantage. But part of it is simply growing up an an extremely politics oriented family. The children of, say, musicians quite often turn out to become musicians as well. Take the Bach family. I don’t think that children of politicians should be banned from politics. And the final decision is still with the voters.

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I think contributions are what it’s all about. With all the well-heeled yokels stumbling around with a bag of money looking to buy some magic beans, she’ll clean up, because they can’t be bothered noticing that after the whole Simpson-dissing debacle, Bernie Sanders would have a better chance of getting the nom. If she gets a nickel from anyone in-state, it might be from Dad.
So she spends a year or so on the trail on a comfy chair stuffed with money, then on to Fox.


At least the Whore of Babble On is pretty harmless, this witch is dangerous.


Think this through, Wyoming.

The one-horse economic dependence that Republicans have saddled the state with has yielded no benefit to Wyoming, but lots of financial gain for Liz and her conservative movement buddies. Just like forking over $2,000,000 yielded nothing but the chance for Liz to avoid working in the coal mines.


Well, that, and the fact that she’s an unrelenting apologist for her war criminal father.


And that she can’t go anywhere without him. She does herself no favors.

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That’s an excellent point, and I think is the saving grace for these political dynasties.

I think there’s a slight difference, though, in that children of musicians don’t claim that music is evil and should be obliterated.


Well, that, and the fact that she’s an unrelenting apologist for her war criminal father

MSM spin: “A refreshing retort to political correctness!”

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Oh no not again!


There are three things that keep me up at night: Global Warming; income inequality; and the fact that Dick and Lynne Cheney have successfully reproduced.


Oh! That Cheney name is problem Liz…why not use your married name? Using it may give you an advantage!


Please Wyoming, please humiliate her again. Please please please please please.


Her family background gives her all the advantage. Much of her government service was while her dad was VP. A position of authority was created for her at State during that time. She may be a lawyer of her own accord, but her government career is purely related to daddy.


I agree but let us hope the voters of Wyoming will send her packing like they did the last time


As horrible as her father is, her mother is even more vile. This girl has venom in her DNA


Of for crying out loud!

When we will ever be rid of these horrible cheney’s??