WaPo has the transcript posted, but it’s hard to read.
This was more helpful.
I’m all for suspence etc, but really, too much of a good thing…
This Presidency is wearing me out, please get over with it ! Mueller ! Mueller !
If by “more helpful” we mean “less exculpatory.”
It seems to me that the reason Trump never bought the rights off of David Pecker was because there was so much other stuff in the Enquirer contract – McDougal was promised much more than cash for her silence (i.e. covers, columns, etc), and Trump could not provide that.
My goodness, Trump is going through a tremendous amount of effort to try to hide an affair that never took place! While his wife was at home taking care of their infant child…
Couldn’t it just be that Trump is questioning the need for financing, saying that they have this amount in cash, and that they can just pay by check?
casual business as usual between a thug and his fixer. Mafia style. Evangelicals fall to our feet in worship to you Evil God who like all of you are hypocrites
Some people might get the wrong idea.
On CNN’s Cuomo Primetime Tuesday evening, the network aired an audio recording of President Donald Trump and his former lawyer Michael Cohen discussing the Karen McDougal payment.
At least now we know why Melania was watching CNN.
Sez Who?
I’m sure that later on the tape Trump says “But it would be wrong” .
As usual, the Brits are all over this. It helps distract them from their own Brexit woes.
I am left to wonder at how the discussion focuses on the cash/check aspect of the discussion and blows right past the facts that this is admission that Trump knew about the shell company and payments to the National Enquirer all along, despite all his denials. Even if you take the most generous interpretation of events, this, in itself, would be a huge scandal in any other administration and nobody cares. WTF happened to this country?
Spoiled baby man expresses his immaturity by being a spoiled baby man.
The real key is that he watches Faux almost exclusively. He’s your crazy grampa with Faux Derangement Syndrome and access to the Nuclear codes
Her emails.
Abramson analysis here:
That’s the SAME reaction I have when I walk into ANY room where Fox is playing.
Beyond that, if he can keep Melania watching Fox exclusively, maybe she won’t get the wrong idea about things.
An easy, calm conversation - much almost in shorthand phrases - between two guys who have had this same basic discussion about the same issue involving different women, many times before.