Discussion for article #232595
I don’t give a shit if two women want to marry a man, so long as it’s not coerced and/or a 14 year old getting married off to a 55 year old, as frequently happens in cults that practice polygamy.
why not polygamy?
He went there. He actually went there.
He’s just begging for an outing.
How is it “clearly the law of the land” that marriage is between one man and one woman, considering the fact that this is no longer the law in the majority of states? The same asinine reasoning was used to argue against allowing people of different races to get married. This stupid argument, unlike a good wine, does not get better with time.
What’s the legal difference between a state ban on same-sex marriage being unconstitutional but a ban on polygamy being constitutional?
Because, Lindsey, no one’s asking for polygamy, nor are they asking for bestiality, nor pedophilia. Look, it’s not hard to understand; what’s being asked for is equal treatment under the law. Full stop.
P.S. No one is buying the lame, slippery-slope arguments anymore Lindsey, so you can give that a rest.
I luv my goat. No, not THAT way.
“Senator, I have not been involved in the argument or the analysis of the cases that have gone before the Supreme Court,” she said. “So I’m not comfortable undertaking legal analysis without having had the ability to undertake a review of the relevant facts and the precedent there. So I certainly would not be able to provide you with that analysis at this point, but I look forward to continuing the discussions with you.”
Heh! She’s good.
Excellent response.
So let me get this straight. If the Supreme Court rules that Same-Sex marriage is a constitutional right, than Lindsey Graham is okay with polygamy.
Actually, he IS begging for attention. His announcement about interest in running for President has been met with a collective yawn on both sides of the aisle.
Funny thing is, of course, if he actually had come out as being gay when he made that announcement…he would have more press coverage than he knows what to do with. First gay president?
That’s actually a good question. I agree. Why not polygamy? Whatever kind of contract adults enter into with other adults is none of my goddamn business. Or yours, Mr. Graham.
It’s actually an interesting question. Congress required Utah to renounce polygamy as a condition to becoming a state. Utah also criminalized multipartner cohabitation, but a court struck that law down in December 2013. http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2013/12/16/sister-wives-defeat-polygamy-law-in-federal-court
As someone noted above, as long as women aren’t coerced into polygamy, and as long as women under the age of 18 are protected, it’s not entirely clear why voluntary polygamous relationships should not be protected.
Actually, he’s got a point. Why can’t rational adults enter into any kind of contract or agreement with any other consenting adults? As long as they’re not forcing children into it, who gives a rat’s ass?
Because of the inherent problems with it. The minimalization of women alone should be enough.
The main issue is not with the multiple marriages, but with the potential multiple children and potential multiple divorces. The state has an interest in ensuring that the children from these relationships are properly supported financially. A man with 5 wives and 10-15 children, in the event of divorce (or death), brings about serious questions about the ability to properly support the children financially. So the state is within its rights to discourage such arrangements.
Whoa. Wait a minute. Minimalization of women? Seriously? Are you saying that any woman who enters into a polygamous relationship is too stupid to make her own decisions about said relationship?
Plus, that’s rather sexist, isn’t it? Polygamy can just as easily be one wife with many husbands.
Dude, quit being so damned judgmental.
Actually, I would be inclined to think that any law allowing polygamy would also allow polyandry (or basically polyamory).
As far as I’m concerned, if people want to marry more than one person, that is alright so long as said multi-person marriage is between consenting, non-consanguineous adults.
Lindsey should be content with one wife. I cannot image two people will to marry this guy.
“What’s the legal difference between a state ban on same-sex marriage being unconstitutional but a ban on polygamy being constitutional?”
Because, as the ruling that upheld Utah’s ban stated, the state has an interest in monogamous marriage. The configuration of the genitalia of the monogamists are not at issue.
I’m no lawyer like you, Senator, but that’d be my guess.