It’s been a good year–
when to-date, this is the only recollection I have
of anything spewed by the former leader of the GOP.
Such a nasty bastard.
I understand that Dinesha da Felon D’Losah’s latest film about Hillary has a LOT on slavery.
Seeing Chelsea Clinton last night, I was reminded of the horrible misogynist insults Limbaugh leveled at her when she was only 12. Limbaugh showed hatred that we see again in Trump. In other words, Limbaugh was a primary player who created the piles of fertilizer that made Trump the Republican nominee. His comments about slavery and the Obamas show he is still an ignorant oaf driving the Republican Party into a wall of defeat.
Huh… I thought this globule of Oxycontin pudding had been wiped from the table of public discourse.
Keep wiping.
Following the arguments of Dinesh D’Souza, Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly, it means the Democrats built the White House. And they treated the slaves well. Unlike the Republicans who freed the slaves from the sweet life of the plantations.
The conservatives seem perturbed by this issue. I think it’s because the conservatives know they want to elect a fascist and that means depriving people they don’t like of their freedom.
Trump: Its time to move to the important chapter in our history, White Victims. We have been oppressed for far too long. Let’s take our Kountry back.
Rather, Limbaugh needs to let that whole ignorant racist thing go.
“That whole slavery thing” is part of our American history–black and white alike. It’s part of our DNA, literally or figuratively. It’s how we measure how far we’ve come as well as how far we have yet to go. It has made us what we are today as a nation. Forgetting part of our history–“letting it go”–makes us less fully human. But it takes courage to remember, especially the dark parts of our history. It takes courage to “own” it; but owning it enables us to work through and understand it.
Is there anyone whose breath didn’t catch at Michelle Obama’s remark? Is there anyone who didn’t feel the wonder of it? Apparently there is, and our country is the poorer for that.
It’s clear Limbaugh did not listen to First Lady Michelle’s speech. In fact I bet a lot of them didn’t else they would have realized the Obamas are the “American Dream” that the Republicans are always touting
I bet if Melania had said the same thing, the reaction from the right would have been MUCH different.
“He doesn’t even have any slave blood.” Yikes.
Limbaugh blathering about letting an argument go is pretty rich, too.
I actually cried through most of it. I swear on my husband’s grave, I did.
Especially the part about them sending the kids to school.
It was an extarordinary speech. Really, really good.
“That’s how I hear the Obamas,” he said.
You may want to have your hearing aid implants checked. They are obviously malfunctioning.
why is anyone still paying attention to anything this bloated gasbag has to say?
Only the maid who does his Oxy runs.
Yeah can’t keep reminding folks about that ugly little part of American history now can we?
Let me elucidate as best I can, while eschewing obfuscation.
Fuck you, you lying sack of shit.
I read comments from some right wingers arguing that slaves didn’t build the White House because none of them were skilled laborers.
These folks deny science, history, math and just plain ole common sense.
It’s really too much to expect that Limbaugh recognize or understand irony. Anyone who doesn’t see the irony in the first African American family living in a house that was built by slave labor is making an effort to miss it. Actually, I should say that it is ironic that our First Family lives in a house that was built by slave labor–and that it was such news to people.