As the country waits with bated breath for Donald Trump
to clarify where he stands on mass deportation,
I never get included in these polls …
Who? A fat, bloated gasbag whose 15 minutes expired a long time ago? Other than ridiculing him, I have no interest in ever hearing this drug-dependent sexual predator’s opinions on anything.
People who have been conned sure hate to admit it. Trump counts on this a lot.
but…but I thought they loved drumpf cause he TOLD IT LIKE IT WAS…really …which time and which issue…??
Nobody knows better than Limbaugh how easy it is to reel these people in with stuff you could never actually believe yourself.
and for some reason well I know what reason… I never took you seriously…
Why should Limbaugh or anyone else take Trump any more seriously than Trump takes himself? None of it is serious. It’s all a con job, it’s all whatever the audience wants to hear. A lot of them will stay the course because they like the vibe, they like the beat and the words don’t matter, or because whatever, ain’t voting for no feminazi. But maybe some people are starting to see, at long last, that this guy is not the plain-talking straight shooter they thought.
So there you have it – clearly stated – all of Trump’s immigration and border wall rhetoric has been a cynical election ploy that was never supposed to be taken seriously. Imagine that!
I’m ashamed to admit I occasionally listened to him many, many years ago. Then I started hearing the constant sexism, lies and exaggerations. In other words, I grew up.
That’s it. You’re banned. :-}
As much as it pains me, I have to agree with Rush on this.
Nobody supports Trump’s ideas, they only like him, and the way he says things. Trump has never had “policies”. He cannot keep consistent from day to day what he is supposed to think or support. But the dumb crackers like his “non-PC tell-it-like-it-is” belligerence.
(I’m allowed to call his “non-college-educated white voters” dumb crackers because I’m not PC either.)
“I Never Took Him Seriously” - is a phrase that thinking people would apply to Limbaugh - especially when one recognizes that he cultivated this whole full-of-crap persona as a means to make a fortune by making hatefilled redneck twits swoon at his bile belching.
“She turned me into a newt! I got better…”
At least Charley Sykes had the cojones to admit that RWNJ radio created Trumpenstein. Flush Windbag? Nut-less.
She’s a witch! Burn Her!
Years ago I listened to G. Gordon Liddy’s radio show once on a long drive. It was very entertaining. He told a story about a guy who bolted a solid-fuel rocket booster to his car and after hundreds of yards of tire marks the car left the road and was found at the base of a mountain with an impact site several hundred feet in the air. Then he started being totally dickish about politics so I switched away. I looked it up later and the story was apocryphal. These guys can be entertaining because they’re not constrained by logic, facts, or decency. If you know better, eventually it wears thin, though.
Based on that exchange quoted above from Limbaugh’s program, it seems like Limbaugh is trying to convince people that no one should have taken Trump’s deportation policy seriously, but from the tone of this caller (and I’m sure thousands of others) they did take Trump seriously. I do think this will dispirit his base no matter what Limbaugh says.
So, if they’re fine with not deporting 11 million immigrants, then they might as well support Mrs. Clinton.
At least her plan is better than Trump’s flip-floppy “Rubio-lite” proposal.
Especially those who said they liked Trump because he always “tells it like it is.”