Discussion: Limbaugh: It's 'Pathetic' For Liberal 'Phonies' To Tweet #BringBackOurGirls

Discussion for article #222698

Yeah, if yer gonna be a phony, do it the conservative way!

Get your own radio program.

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So, just to be clear: these conservatives are mocking the first lady for raising awareness of kidnapped little girls in Nigeria.

Let me write that again: we’re talking about little girls who were kidnapped.

Yeah, let’s mock the first lady for calling attention to their plight. That makes sense.


Really? Its come to this: Conservatives will ridicule the Obamas for trying to help school age children who were kidnapped?

If you are a member of the GOP, do you really want these people to represent your point of view? DOes this kind of mindless, “Obama is for it, therefore I must be against it, even if it involves kidnapping”, really who you are?


Well, Rush, since you’re possibly the least empathetic person who has ever lived, since you’re a mindlessly antagonistic soulless sack of radioactive pus, one thing we’ll probably never have to accuse you of is pretending to care.


Rush Limbaugh represents the brightest and the best at the cutting-edge of conservative intellectualism. He seems smarter and more influential than President Dick n Bush, Sarah Palin, Cliven Bundy, Mitt Romney, Donald Trump and Orly Taitz combined. He is so thoughtful, considerate and temperate in his analyses and in his critical thinking skills.

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Why do they double down on the stupid so much? So a day after Ann’s epic fail, he decides the people on the wrong side of this issue are the ones that are raising awareness? Clearly mocking it is the only natural course of action. And they wonder why no one that doesn’t look exactly like him wants to vote for them.


Yes, repeating the pleas of Nigerian mothers so that willfully oblivious media and powers-that-be take note, is all designed to make you, Rush Limbaugh, look insensitive.

Because their misery is all about you.


First black FLOTUS has photo regarding 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls, and Rush and Ann engage in childish mockery. When Laura Bush was talking about the plight of Afghan girls, I didn’t hear any of this. Way to go GOP, another week, another remind that you are totally effing racist.


Darnit, you said EXACTLY what I was going to say. Verbatim. Thank you.

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First Will, then Coulter, followed by Limbaugh – It’s the attack of the douchebags!


Imagine if 200+ white girls were kidnapped by jihadis? Would Ann and Rush be making smirky faces?


Let’s recap.

The man who could give less of a shit criticizes a media campaign for getting credit for caring.

Perhaps were he not so consumed by his addiction to erectile dysfunction meds and Dominican teenage gigolos, he might get off his pimpled wide ass and do something besides puffing on that phallus of a cigar.


The Lump grows ever more malignant.


Liberals for = Conservatives against.

That’s exactly how silly his stupid rant is.


No conservative would indulge in such hypocritical behavior; they are right out front on how they don’t give a **** about anyone other than themselves.

Geebus, Rush, even Satan refuses to buy your soul. It’s too toxic for Hell.

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“It’s all about intentions and showing that you care. These phonies on the left get behind their Twitter hashtag campaign and they get credit for caring.”

He’s right, you know. People who really care put magnets on their cars.


“I’m about actually doing.” What is it that you “actually do”, Rush?

Pus limbaugh’s a lesion in his own mind…

and thinks that if he hadn’t been born

dum basses would wonder why.