Oh, God. Oh, God. Help me! I’m about to explode from all the popcorn!
Bible-Thumpers Bail?
250 out of how many? I guess it’s better than nothing.
Also, what a weird misinterpretation/misuse of the “render unto Caesar” line. That guy should, I don’t know, take some Bible classes somewhere or something.
And I am guessing all 250 will be expelled before the end of the year.
Oh that was in that story 2 Corinthians
This kind of free thought has no place in the world’s hyper-religious universities and will be summarily dealt with appropriately.
“Obtained by the Washington Post”. I love it.
So, Don…remember that whole Fucking-with-Jeff-Bezos thing? The removal of WaPo’s press credentials? The hurfle-durf about “investigating” both Bezos and the Post if you won?
Reap the whirlwind, fucker. Story after story continues to come out from the Post, hanging all your little shitty misdeeds and embarrassments around your miserable neck.
Burn, bitch, burn.
Fiber is good for you, cleans out the nasties. I am thinking this letter from the students is having a similar impact on the university environment. Maybe?
Falwell: American Jesus has long encouraged opposite sex only genitalia grabbing among Republican men.
LOG: Christian code for piece of shit.
Trump: I am so disappointed in Putin. His foot soldiers are being outclassed by our mediocre press. Where is Assange when I need him.
Sounds like the brave young Liberty U students have a plan … to transfer to another college … whether they know it or not.
I am sure Jerry Jr. will send over one of his altar boys to direct them to pack their bags … and the Godliest way to do it
If anyone is listening to npr today, please say if this gets much play. They were going on and on yesterday
about Liberty students who still supported Trump, how he’s sorry, it was 11 long years ago and that everybody should forgive. The usual. I wonder if they’ll give this the same level of attention.
I have the feeling this phenomenon is happening at GOP outposts across the good old US of A.
About friggin’ time…
No. But I think there’s still a market for a “BIBLE THUMPERS FOR PUSSY GRABBERS” hat.
This letter comes as a bit if a relief. Jerry Falwell jr had me convinced that there was a fortress full of gun toting, pro Trump religious zealots holed up in my old home town.
I think they understand that transferring would be a blessing for them. Even a year or two at any other school will allow them to erase Liberty U from their resume. Please heed the Boss’ advice and “Get while you’re young.”
Well…Millennial Bible-Thumpers are bailing on Trump. The older generation are doing what they can to tie themselves into knots to support him.
"This student statement
seems to ignore the teachings of Jesus
not to judge others
but they are young and still learning.”
Thou art in the midst of fornicating thyself, aptly-named Fall-well.