Discussion for article #241929
At last our long national nightmare is over…harper is gone and taking his tea party wannabes with him.
it’s a great day to be a canadian…really is
Congrats Canada!
Congratulations! Let’s hope the U.S. of A follows Canada’s lead.
Waiting to see what Ted Cruz says.
That’s Maggie’s son! Hooooray!
Once again…HUGE polling failure. No polls predicted liberal majority government, nor the total collapse of the NDP
Wonder if these elections in Canada and the UK have any augural or predictive value for US elections.
Anybody know for sure?
Have Conservative policies worked anywhere in the world at any time? You’d think people would wake up to the fact that their predictions of doom never come to pass, and their predictions of prosperity only apply to the 1%.
Glad to see Canada pushing the conservatives aside. Maybe the US will follow suit in the Senate and House (the latter is unlikely due to gerrymandering).
Congratulations! I hope this sets a pattern for the US. Nice to read that he is going to practice some Keynesian economics…something we have desperately needed instead of stupid “deficit hawks.”
Let’s follow suit and completely reject the right-wing here too. Congrats Canadians.
My stomping grounds, the Atlantic provinces, went 32/32 Liberal (we… do not like Harper). This was a demolishing. It feels incredible… like I’d imagine beating Romney felt for you guys haha. Such a damn good feeling to feel positive about the country’s direction again.
Now, if we could just do the same in America.
Congratulations Canada.
Hopefully this presages the course of the 2016 elections here in the United States.
One of the big problems Trudeau faces is the education gap. Indeed, it is hard to think of any industrialized country where the variation in education is as wide. Some Canadian provinces perform, or even outperform, the highly uniform Japan, while others have fallen to the bottom of the heap. In many ways, Harper helped bring on this situation by pushing the country towards becoming a petro-state, or at least a country even more dependent on resource extraction than it already was. Then metal and oil prices fall, and “Where’s my job!?” It’s a variation on the theme Russia, another under-diversified petro-state, is whining at the moment. Japan has its own problems, but its lower dependence on natural resource extraction has freed it to focus on innovation and economic diversity, all of which starts with shoring up the education base.
Let that liberalism flow south and let that sticky ass tar sand stay right where it is.
Is Mexico governed liberally, if so, then North America is unified.
I like very liberal portions of my liberalism, I’m very liberal about that. Yay Canada,
Have Conservative policies worked anywhere in the world at any time?
No. Liberal policies fail sometimes, maybe even often, but conservative ones have never worked.
“Harper, 56, visited districts he won in the 2011 election in an attempt to hang onto them. On Saturday, he posed with Toronto’s former crack-smoking mayor, Rob Ford, in a conservative suburb.”
In 2016 can Ford pay a visit to the states and endorse the Republican nominee?
When the previous Canadian parliament dissolved on August 2, the Conservatives held power with a 159-seat majority government, the NDP held 95 seats as the official opposition, and the Liberals held 36 seats, with smaller parties holding another six seats in the Commons. By midnight on Monday, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation projected 190 Liberal seats, 103 Conservative seats, 34 NDP seats, and another 11 seats for smaller parties for the next Commons.
That’s quite an astonishing flip, even if you consider changing a vote from the NDP to Liberals a relatively small jump.
The witch is dead!
Ever since I came to Canada Harpo was PM, what a relief to no longer have to contend with him.