I’m so fucking tired of this stupidity.
Why is Corey being so bituminous about this?
So, the GOP has discovered a brand-new one-size-fits-all excuse for fail8ng…
Maybe he should go back to slapping supporters’ asses…
Also left unsaid: How much money Lewandowski is being paid to advocate for the interests of the coal industry - especially for Murray - in a definitely-not-a-lobbyist capacity.
The “smart” glasses really aren’t working for ya, Ricky…
Energy regulator rejects Perry’s plan to boost coal
However, that study, released in August and following pleas from Murray for DOE to use the agency’s emergency power to order the firm’s coal customers to keep running, delivered a conclusion energy experts had long known: Cheap, abundant natural gas was the primary driver of changes in the U.S. electricity sector.
Perry and Lewandowski…dumb and dumberer…they totally deserve each other…Love that the board completely turned on um in favor of reuseables…
Who the fuck dragged Lewandowski out from under his rock again?
And am I to take it from Lewandowski’s statement that Rick Perry is running the Deep State? Yeah.
[quote=“lizzymom, post:4, topic:67108, full:true”]
So, the GOP has discovered a brand-new one-size-fits-all excuse for fail8ng…
Deep state = people, media, entities, institutions of democracy, facts, situations, processes, and other stuff that don’t let you do what you want.
He’s right about the “Deep State.” His “Deep State” of denial, paranoia, and irresponsibility.
How does he ever find the time to make such asshole remarks when his days are so filled with beating up women? Think of all of the work I could get done in a day if I could only multi-task as well as Corey Lewandowski does! Sigh!
This administration could have really fucked up America if they were 1/2 as clever as they think they are.
Republicans are telling us not to trust the United States of America.
Putin, yes. America, no.
Corey thinks the voters are too stupid to see the latest con.
Deep State of paranoid delusional psychosis. Recommended procedure to alleviate condition: pre-frontal lobotomy with ice tongs, and a high colonic enema, which is not really necessary but totally deserved.
Stupid or crazy? You decide.
In other news they decided not to bring back the horse and buggy either.
Lewandowski has to be the worst lobbyist in history. Even with his old boss appointing 4/5 of FERC’s panel he still can’t get any dough for his clients.
Hey what about the dam generator sites? They store fuel on site!