Discussion: Lebanese Premier Resigns, Plunging Nation Into Uncertainty

Somebody pass a note to one of Jared’s lawyers and let him know he needs to finish his job of bringing peace to the Middle East.

How hard can it be? Just bomb wherever the Saudis or Israelis tell us to bomb.

I’m sure Trump will handle this will all the skill of a foreign policy veteran.

Just as soon as someone shows him were Lebanon is.

Wait, I didn’t know Donnie went to Lebanon yet?

He must have snuck a trip in while we weren’t looking…

Let us include a shout out to the Likud Party, whose founder thought it would be a most excellent idea to invade Lebanon back in the 1980s and then leave not very shrewd Ronald Reagan holding the bag. Let’s keep that in mind whenever a Likud PM gets invited to address a joint session of congress to tell us what he, and his billionaire patron, think we must do.

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Then today there are multiple arrests in Saudi Arabia of princes and ministers. And Trump has called the King already (cause it’s a good idea to signal support for arresting political rivals?) Laura Rozen’s twitter feed is sharing multiple stories/responses from the region: https://twitter.com/lrozen

Yeah…there are some pretty big shifts taking place in the Middle East this weekend. This resignation is part of it all I think.

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Sounds like it (The al-Harari resignation) was the first step in a serious maneuver. I am not terribly well versed in the region - thus I ask what may be an ill-informed question - but I wonder what the catalyst for such a serious event was/is.

It looks and sounds like a bit more than just typical palace intrigues. Jared has done several trips there recently, including most recently with one of the princes that has be rounded up. So I would guess, its been a move that certain parties have seen developing. It also sounds like we are on the wrong side of it, internally in S.A.


https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2017/11/saudi-arabia-crown-prince-remove-opponents-national-guard.html Interesting background/context. Closing line: It is the most volatile period in Saudi history in over a half-century.

And then this

Saudi prince killed in helicopter crash near Yemen border
Saudi prince killed in helicopter crash near Yemen border

It could be a coincidence…

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