Now playing: Senator Leahy in his new starring role as Perry Mason.
"Kavanugh continued to waffle around Leahy’s questions, which included inquiries about whether he met Miranda in locations other than the White House or the Capitol.
Leahy then asked Kavanaugh if he would be surprised if there was an email showing that he got information from somebody’s spying. Kavanaugh asked if such an email exists…"
Time to put Manny Miranda under oath before the committee.
If Kavanaugh is confirmed, he may have just exposed himself to impeachment and removal from the Supreme Court by a future Congress.
(PS: “Stolen emails”…now where have I seen that dirty trick used?)
…threw Brett Kavanaugh off his flow so far of steady and confident
answersdissemblings and prevarications to the senators’ question
I wonder if Leahy really has a smoking gun email? I look forward to the second round of questioning.
If Leahy has the email and Grassley says it can’t be made public there will be fireworks.
Emails. Must be part of that 30,000 of from Hillary.
Kavanaugh is trying to find out exactly what evidence Leahy has, so that he can tailor his answers to not be obviously perjured. Grassley will tell him during a break.
Stolen emails, receiving stolen property, I think we have seen this rodeo before…ruh roh.
May be Kavanaugh is confirmed, may be later he is impeached when crimes are found.
Good grief. More e-mails.
And this, @hornblower, is why long institutional memory, experience, and not just throwing someone like Pat Leahy out because they’ve been there a while matters.
Well then we need to keep them separated…
taking a cue from Rudy Can’t Flail: 100% is not 100%
Does anyone know if Kavanaugh’s documents (the ones currently being vetted) are going to be available after confirmation? And if so, would they be available to the public?
Well Kav, we shall see if your testimony remains 100% accurate.
Aren’t people also suspicious about Kavanaugh’s relationship to Bush torture program? Dude legit might be setting himself up for future impeachment in a couple of ways. Replace him with Merrick Garland.
I doubt even perjury will stop his confirmation.
It did not stop Clarence Thomas’ confirmation when Joe Biden was Committee Chair and the Dems were Senate Majority.
Nobody seems to care about torture any more. Last weekend one dead Senator, who was called a hero for being tortured, was eulogized by an ex-President who authorized torture. Figure that out.
But now Democrats are motivated to take down a sitting SCOTUS justice and replace with a liberal as retribution for Garland. This could be it.
Presidents are immune-ish to criminal charges during their terms. Are justices?
NO and neither are presidents. They just made it up that they can’t be indicted while in office. That is bullshit straight out of Leon Jaworski.
The constitution doesn’t say a damn thing even close to that.
“Judge Kavanaugh, do you believe a Supreme Court Justice nominated by an illegitimate, corrupt former reality TV show host who is an unindicted co-conspirator in a number of felonies, can be impeached for lying to the Senate Judiciary Committee in not just one, but two confirmation hearings?”
“Senator, I’m not going to answer hypothetical questions of that sort.”