Discussion: League Of Women Voters Not Happy Scalise Compared Them To White Nationalists

Discussion for article #231557

“We believe voters are the basis of our strong democracy, and we’re committed to making our government work for all citizens. We will continue to fight for inclusion and tolerance and are committed to Making Democracy Work®.”

Well then, you can see why a Republican politician would categorize them as being a bunch of extremist radicals with repugnant and potentially dangerous views.


“We will continue to fight for inclusion and tolerance and are committed to Making Democracy Work®.”

Not sure how anyone understands that as anything but “liberal talk” at this point. Voters show up = GOP loses. They know it and they’re fighting it every fucking day. The only people who seem mystified by it and unable to put it into action are liberals themselves.


“Heck. I’d even talk to the ACLJew if they sent me an invitation to speak.”


The LOWV don’t need to worry their pretty heads about anything…

The GOP enhanced congress will repeal as many voters’ rights as possible…

and BTW, your skirts are too short and you need to STFU so us white guys can start making deals with China for cheap burqas … or HobbyLobby can supply cheap Chinese fabrics AND patterns for y’all to make your own!


As I recall, the LOWV is technically nonpartisan. When I read this bit last evening, I thought the episode would evolve from cluster f’ to cluster bomb blow back.


Some people are just so in need of a swift knee to the crotch.


If Scalise considers the League of Women Voters a liberal group,
he must think the NAACP are terrorists. (Actually they are a
a very middle of the road organization). It cracks me up when conservatives
think they are a black nationalist group. Damn–they’re dumb and


OMG. How spot on you are

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Yup. But let his mischaracterization of the original nonpartisan “goo-goo” organization not obscure his implicit characterization of the David Duke joint as just another group along our political spectrum.


I’d offer him the loan of my shovel but I see he’s already using this:


"to speak at an even for a while nationalist group "
Come on, where’s your spell check???
He is an idiot!!

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lol! I don’t think any of those words are misspelled.


He probably also spoke before the American Librarians Association, those book-larnin’ smarty pant libtards.


Words were just misconscrutated.

If he has spoken to the American Association of University Professors, that would be even worse. There is absolutely nothing lower than that egghead, irrelevant, “never held a real job” group of glorified teachers that spawned the Muslim, Kenyan socialist.


The League of Women Voters is a principled organization that works to encourage all of voting age to participate in the process. The Republican Party’s agenda is completely contradictory to the mission of the League of Women Voters. To all who read this, if you can support the great task that the League has taken on itself.


Give Scalise a break. After all, it’s really hard to tell the difference between a GOP rally and a KKK Rally.

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LOWV is a liberal group? Goddamn you cannot spoof these people. You just can’t. We’ve reached the point where any organization that does not actively push the right wing agenda is their enemy and “liberal”.


So in his mind, the league of women voters and the KKK are the same thing. He really should just shut up. He’s digging himself deeper. Rumor is that there are more fringe groups he’s catered and spoken to.

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