Discussion for article #233962
Heaven help us, look at that forehead!
Anyway, I’m glad we all got to hear the true reason the right opposes the law. Even though his statement isn’t even remotely accurate.
Women and minorities: not legitimate citizens of the United States of America. Got it.
And there you have it…this is the party of Lincoln.
The law can’t be valid because it was written by them brown people and them wimminz.
I’m guessing that was his way of impressing Scalia.
Sez the rich white guy…next
And is this man incoherent?
Carvin, you know you said that out loud, right? We can hear you.
Everybody knows that the women and minorities are just slackers looking for a free ride. Women are giving birth to the minority babies just to get that sweet, sweet welfare. Just like the skirts on the Court, affirmative action all of them. They are not as smart as men or as strong or as virile. . . Get a jerb, moochers. Carvin said behind the clubroom door.
Carvin argued that the difference between this lawsuit and the one in 2012 is that unlike the 2012 challenge, the argument on Wednesday is on “a statute that was written three years ago, not by dead white men but by living white women and minorities.”
That’s a bizarre statement on a number of levels. The Obamacare statute was written by minorities, women (of all races), and plenty of white men, some who are even dead. What he’s really saying is, “Obamacare was written by sub-humans and should therefore be dismissed.”
This guy is a serious tool.
That is a fivehead.
Frasier Cranium.
The idea of corporations has “grown and evolved” from its constitutional meaning (which was minuscule). The idea of copyright and so-called “intellectual property” has grown from its constitutional meaning.
If there is one thing consistent about today’s conservatives it is that there isn’t one consistent philosophy. Calling them “fiscally conservative” or orginalists when it comes to the Constitution is a joke. They’re “philosophy” goes to the highest bidder.
Were the republican amendments to the ACA all written by Allen West?
Michael Carvin is dog-whistling his darndest. Problem is, he’s doing it to a herd of cats
They just can’t help themselves.
The Racism and Misogyny just drips from their lips whenever they are given any kind of platform no matter how hard they try to disguise it.
Didn’t Emerson say consistency “is the hobgoblin of little minds?”
The crux of conservatism is to end discussions, not engage in them.
These people are filth. They are truly, truly disgusting examples of what happens when people never evolve. They are pond scum, the lowest of the low. They don’t care one iota about the wellbeing of average Americans. It’s only “me me me and screw the lot of you”. Absolutely sickening. What has this country come to?
Actually, he said a foolish consistency is. But to your larger point, bingo.
Wow, this guy is going deeeeep original intent here. You know, back to the days when women weren’t even allowed to vote, let alone write statutes. And minorities? They were worth 3/5 of a white man, at most. Scalia probably loves it.
he knows his audience; gotta give him that