Discussion: Lawmaker Who Lamented 'Welfare Crazy Checks' Insists He's Not Racist

I’ve always wondered what people who claim they aren’t racists (you know the ones that have black friends and all) consider racist?


That evil liberal media. That LIEberal media just wants to take down all the freedumb loving 'Murkins. That Nigra in the White Hut is making all those nigras uppity. They need to learn their place. Which is behind me in the ER.

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That guy made me look racist because he let a bunch of things I said, and believe in, get published. I usually keep those beliefs off the record to fellow racist.


Well the media lets RANDY PAUL deny direct quotes, why not this racist?


I am sure that he has plenty of black friends. Just like Judge Roy Moore has plenty of gay friends. And Steve King has loads and loads of Mexican amigos (cantaloupe calves not withstanding). And Sarah Palin has tons of friends who do not have flatlining IQs. For all intensive porpoises.


In Mississippi this guy just generated more support.


Gosh. I’m sure you’re not a ‘bad’ person. However, self awareness is not your strong suit. Entitlement evidently is.

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Don’t forget his story about his friend going to the ER. This “friend” had to wait 6 hours to be cared for because all the Blacks were there being treated for gunshot wounds. What that has to do with additional funding for education, I don’t know.

But nope, he clearly doesn’t have a racist bone in his body.


Just like my dad- he’s not racist, just a “realist” because rich, Cadillac-driving welfare queens.

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Not a post suitable for having a cup of steaming coffee to one’s face (and then spilling it).

Thanx for the laugh (especially SeaWorld at the End)…

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What happened to the people who were bold enough to make racist statements and admit that they WERE racists? I’m really getting tired of all this passive-aggressive racism.


How shocking that a racist would lie about his racism! Shocking!!


Well, the words could always have started with “you’d have to be a racist and a complete idiot to say …” That’s about the only context I can think of which renders his words non-racist.


State Representative Alday needs his own Lauren Bacall: “You know how to dog whistle, don’t you, Gene?”


Perhaps he’s not a racist. He may just be a moron.


Except maybe for that one guy who got run over.

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Give him some credit. He’s both!


Racist Stereotypes are EASY. That is why willfully ignorant, lazy people like Alday cling to them.
To not rely on them would require thought and introspection, two things explicitly forbidden to them by their form or Religion. (American Taliban.)
When you live in a world defined by racist stereotypes, you never have to question anything. It just is and requires no proof of any kind (like your Religion.)


“Rep. Alday is solely responsible for his remarks,” Gov. Phil Bryant ® said. “I strongly reject his comments condemning any Mississippian because of their race. Those day are long past.”

So, we have racist legislators AND a governor that suffers from delusions.

Faced with Mississippi school superintendents saying they expect to see more than 28 percent of students forced to repeat third grade educators are seeking additional funding to hire reading coaches and train thousands of elementary and special education teachers.


Republican State Representative Gene Alday said, he doesn’t believe additional funding is not needed, stating, "Money is not the answer… all the blacks are getting food stamps … they don’t work.

Typical GOP racist thinking:
Denying people the tools to better themselves while blaming them for not bettering themselves