Discussion: Law Jindal Wanted To Use To Halt Removal of Confederate Memorials Doesn't Exist

yeah–like the President, the judiciary and scientists.

They just don’t make Rhodes Scholars like they used to.


I think you’re onto something.

I mean, if government is going to represent the “interests” of the unborn, why shouldn’t it be equally strong on enforcing laws before the laws are actually passed?


I can’t fathom the stupidity of LA voters.

Zero curiosity and an almost religious belief in your politic can blind one to the truth.

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One of the plentiful “elephants in the room” when talking about Baggers.

The DEPTH of their beliefs, interests, motivations.

Which outdo anything the Democrats have to offer.

Student loan Debt?
Job Outsourcing?
Wall Street Reform?

Few Democrats would contemplate Taliban-Strength zeal for the above issues, even though the above issues are more vitally important to the benefit of the nation and Planet than any of the wedge issues that animate the Geriatrics and Confederates of the GOP.

(A) That is irrational, but psycho-social-historically sensible.

(B) That is also irrational, but, with regard to the Business Plans of FOX and MSM Suits, a Money (“horse-race”) Maker.

What we have here is a confluence of (A) Old Fashioned Jim-Crow-esque Hate and (B) 21st-Century Communications-Marketing

One other thing…I have been repeating variations of this thing for months. Oh…and that’s another aspect of GOP success: repitition.

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Because Piyush Jindal is so believable as a defender of the South.
It is almost as comical as a having a planless billionaire leading the national Republican Party into the abyss but even at that, Piyush is wanting.

There ‘ought’ to be a law.

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My admiration for Rhodes Scholars has decreased significantly, thanks to Piyush.

A friend of mine in New Orleans said “don’t blame him on New Orleans, it was the duck killers who elected him.”

That 'bout says it all.

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Right after the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf, I found that I was more concerned about it than two such Louisiana gentleman I ran into in Tennessee

Though I may be a liberal democrat it worries me that the other leading party in this country is just going full steam ahead down the rails of crazy and stupid. What has happened to the GOP that they would allow those with the IQ’s of field mice to run party?

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It was slow, but steady… the GOP’s 1960s “Southern Strategy”

The 1970s Corporate decision to fight back what they saw as an anti-business, pro-liberal media

The Mid-1970s curtailing of the Militay Draft, also eliminating substantive concern regarding foreign
policy among men aged 19-26

The selection of pitchman Ronnie Reagan to make conservatism more attractive

The shift to “news” as a money-maker as opposed to being more of an adjunct for the broadcast media

The emergence of FOX

The popularity of Talk Radio

The aging of the Boomers

The no-holds-barred style of Newt Gingrich as House Speaker in the 1990s

The jettisoning of more moderate Republicans in the 90s and 00s

And “A Thousand More Cuts”

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The law in question may refer to a statue passed in South Carolina in 2000

Ouch! Passing a statue must be incredibly painful…

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Oh dear one, Bobby J. would win any limbo contest! The man can go really low.

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