Not a problem cuz Trump’s done nothing wrong. Just ask Ms. Sanders.
State governors have pardon power, too. By Trump’s logic the governor of Delaware could shoot his neighbor’s dog with royal impunity, presuming of course that that sort of thing is illegal in Delaware. That’s nuts. Pardon power is not a license for self dealing.
Not surprised Trump fantasizes about pardoning himself.
He’s had to do a lot of things by himself lately.
14 angry Democrat lawyers out to do a number on me. I demand the DOJ start an investigation.
In an unrelated development, fourteen lawyers and law professors are being audited by the IRS, placed on the Do Not Fly list, and investigated by the DOJ.
This will eventually be decided by Nine Wise Souls in Washington. I’m a little worried.
Murder is a state-level crime, so it follows that a governor would have the power to shoot someone in their own state without repercussions. Or to order it done by someone else…
I gotta go with Chermerinsky and Tribe on this one.
Yeah, that’ll work.
Better to send the letter to Mueller, Rosenstein, and Sessions, if they haven’t already.
We have gone over 200 years and only had a few occasions to consider the President’s misuse of the pardon power or whether he has to submit to the ordinary rules that apply to the rest of us. I think we have been very lucky. That said, this Russian puppet might bring us some clarity. I am pulling for the rule of law. I have had enough with petty kings and tyrants.
Check the cc list:
Not Mueller or Sessions, but pretty much everyone else.
Complete with footnotes.
Trump doesn’t care, because, at present, there is no branch of gov’t that will hold him responsible or accountable - certainly not the feckless Republicans who control the House, the Senate, and the Supreme Court.
I am quite sure the imaginary legal scholars who reside inside the cave that is Trump’s cranium know more than these actual lawyers and legal scholars. Just sayin.
when does the narrative become:
“Is this the most corrupt Administration in US history or just the most corrupt Administration in the last 100 years?”
Except for the one that jumped off a building.
He’ll get some N Korean lawyers to weigh in for him soon. That should tip the scale back to him.
This could help if either the occupant or his “TV lawyers” could read, but alas they cannot. They can barely even string together coherent verbal sentences.
I’m confident Sekulow can fashion an argument that denying Trump the power to pardon himself is a violation of his sincerely held religious belief in Trumpal infallibility.
Mueller, at least, has never thought otherwise, nor been shaken in that understanding by the letter from Trump’s attorneys.