Discussion: Laura Bush On Whether She's Voting For Trump: 'Don't Ask'

Yep. Looks like they’re going to get busy giving Donnie Dimwitt a deep-throated response…

I feel you, Mrs. Bush.

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You mean winning all those delegates has nothing to do with excellent campaigning?


Romney got 1500+.

Excellent campaigner? Or boner after boner?

She was a librarian. I just cant see a librarian anywhere even a republican one voting for the likes of Trump.

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I must say I agree with you on that. She is a decent woman. No one should criticize her for falling in love with someone we can’t stand. She always seemed to be very reasonable to me. She stands by her man. Nothing wrong with that

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Ahh, profiles in courage from the former first lady.

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She’s won 2 Senate races, 2000 & 2006. I agree that I’m not sure she is good in the clutch.

‘…our country’s become xenophobic…thanks to the guy I chose to marry.’

Probably BoTox in both cases.

With riots to follow, no doubt.

Arent the Bush girls arranging the flowers at trump events?

We all know that Laura will fall in line and vote for Trump, just like every other GOP apparatchik!

A win is a win is a win. Gertrude Stein.

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She was a Democrat before she married into the Bush money (I’m not kidding either…she was a Dem before she became a Stepford wife) She’ll be voting for Bernie!

So don’t ask and don’t tell.

It’s about the rudest question in the world to ask someone even a public figure who she’s voting for. When I get those calls during campaign season and am asked that question by a campaign worker, I won’t say even if the candidate they’re calling for is the one I will vote for. But Laura will vote for Clinton. She just can’t say it aloud.

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Then let’s just agree that she has a better campaign than Sanders does, shall we? The results prove that fact.

I love Laura Bush even as I dislike her husband immensely. I actually think that there is a lot more to her than the public has ever seen. I don’t think she’s conventional. More like an introvert. I think she was secure enough to just let people project their BS onto her. And I can’t imagine living in that hornet’s nest of a White House, let alone as an introvert. She had some training, being Barbara’s daughter in law which I cannot imagine was a walk in the park. I think Laura is pretty down to earth. I would love to read an autobiography of her, though she’d never write one.

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She won’t be voting for Sanders unless she writes in his name. The Texas primary already took place and Sanders’ name won’t appear on the ballot in November.


@meri @sjay1956
Do you see any similarities to what creepy Scarborough said about Hillary needs to smile more and criticism of Laura’s face? He sounded like an asshat and you do too when you comment on how women look.