Discussion: Launching A Super PAC To Fight Super PACs

Discussion for article #224178

Go! Go! Go!

Sounds like a weak, politically motivated effort. I wouldn’t contribute to their effort one bit…No way, no how. There is no guarantee that the money will be used to fight for a truly progressive solution to campaign finance reform, which would dismantle the current system of graft-filled contributions in any way, shape or form. Neither of these two advocates are truly progressive or liberal in the slightest. They are not even what I would call sincere activists. They are more aligned with political strategists and operatives, cringe-worthy types, that makes me even more leery of their plan.

In fact, with Mark McKinnon on board, I would seriously doubt their effort is geared to eliminating the current system as it stands in any meaningful way whatsoever. The guy is a fucking Bushie and is now connected to the failed “No Labels” group. How many more of these Third Way or No Labels folks must progressives be expected to take seriously in the future. Their only objective has been to dilute and weaken the Democratic Party from electoral success overall imo. Its almost similar to Rand Paul’s faux libertarianism, used to draw young people to his muddled message on the legalization of weed, but when asked about pot smoking directly, the asshole can’t come up with a cogent answer. Lessig has his own baggage too. His associations and changing loyalties have certainly led me to question where he’s coming from over the years. Anyone that once clerked for Scalia has to have their head screwed on backwards as far as I’m concerned. I’m sure it was a great stepping stone for his career however. Again, cringe-worthy.

But let me get this straight…their concern with SuperPac influence by the one percent leads them to launch a SuperPac by individuals with matching funds by the one percent. Wow. And that’s supposed to make perfect sense because of who they choose to get the matching funds from? I don’t get it. I fail to see what message they’re trying to achieve through this approach, or what the big difference is supposed to be from the current system. They would have us believe that they’ll find a “better” way to spend the money to affect change than all the other SuperPacs because…get this…they’re going after the entire system of campaign finance. But the truth is, they’re using the same vehicle as all the other corrupt politicians to accomplish this goal. So yeah, I don’t get it. Just because you’re using Kickstarter as your vehicle to raising money, doesn’t change the hypocritical nature of the effort, thus rendering your stance on changing the current system forever muddled. Its more Third Way, No Labels bullshit.

BTW, having just checked the interwebs, L. Lessig was against the DISCLOSE ACT that failed to pass the Senate a couple of years back due to a Republican led filibuster…and that was considered a fucking baby step towards change. Even the most basic accountability and common sense approach towards some level of disclosure was roundly rejected by Lessig. Apparently, he felt if it couldn’t account for all money in politics than it wasn’t worth accounting for even **some money at the very least. **

He testified before Congress that because the current system was so screwed up, disclosure wouldn’t do anything to fix the current problems…therefore he refused to endorse it…so that’s the kind of people we’re dealing with here.

Consider the source…ALWAYS…consider the source.

These people need our support, because they’re fighting the good fight against moneyed corruption and in favor of democratic processes.

So how does one contribute to the 2nd Round ??

Here’s the link to donate to phase 2.