Meanwhile, Mexicans are alternately deeply offended and laughing their asses off … and a certain Frenchman is using part of the existing wall in Tecate as a backdrop for an open-air art installation.
This just all makes me so mad that I have run out of words.
In future centuries, tourists will come from all over the world to view “The Great Wall of Trump.”
That would require it to get built, and to get built with decent quality. As if.
Fun anecdote: back in 1990 when I visited berlin and parts of still-east germany, I was at a place where they were disassembling the border wall. After 30 years out in the weather, the concrete was basically rotting, and some of it could be picked apart by hand. In addition to the evil and stupidity of building a wall like this, it’s an open-ended commitment to tens of billions of dollars in maintenance and continual reconstruction.
nope, it will go the way of the berlin wall
This is just insanity.
Of course it is, but having something tangible like prototypes gives it the semblance of sanity. That keeps the cash flowing from the con men in the congress and gives the weirdo in the White House something to hold onto.
So a piece of wall 20 feet high and 10 feet wide will cost the taxpayer $500,000 . Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight .