Discussion: Las Vegas Gun Store Warns 'Prices Will Skyrocket After Crooked Hillary Gets In'

Thank goodness this store owner is thinking about his customers.


Surely, if Hillary is so crooked, the NRA can just buy her off like so many Republicans?

Also, Iā€™m surprised that they donā€™t reference the skyrocketing gun prices which presumably happened after Obamaā€™s electionā€¦ oh, waitā€¦


LOL. After a quick Google search, this store seems to have the highest price.


You have to pay those gambling debts somehow.

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ā€œIdiots like you will be bidding prices up after the election because youā€™re paranoid, so avoid the rush!ā€


yes. Thinking about what easily-manipulated gullible idiots they are.

ā€œSorry Johnny, but Daddy canā€™t help you pay for college. Heā€™s got to stock up on guns because Killary might be president!ā€

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Even the ammosexuals are ā€œpre-election grievingā€ in response to Trumpā€™s seemingly inevitable defeat.


ā€œIā€™ll take, ā€˜what happens every four years?, Alexā€™.ā€


Of course, even Republican voters are aware that President Hillary Clinton cannot eliminate the Second Amendment via fiat.

They know that it takes the vote of 290 House members, 67 Senators, and 38 state legislatures to repeal an amendment.


Oh, thatā€™s right. Republicans hate education and ridicule the ā€œelitesā€ who actually know things. Never mind.


And the winners areā€¦

The gun manufacturers and the ammo manufacturers, who jack their prices way up because they know the whacks will stock up on both, big time, no matter what the cost.

And I wonder who is behind all the ā€œHillary will take your gunsā€ rumors? Hmmmmmmmmmmm.

For the record, I own 6 handguns, but am neither paranoid nor stupid. I DO get pissed that all this nonsense makes it more difficult to sport shoot due to the costs.


Is it time yet for the 8th annual Obamaā€™s coming for your guns sale? These gun nuts for no reason other than their own paranoia, have caused their own increases in prices to also include ammo shortages! Hey gun nuts BOO!!


Iā€™m also a gun owner, as are many, many Democrats. I donā€™t sport shoot, but I do worry about the guy down the street who proudly displays an upside down, shredded American flag.

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Add it to the listā€¦


Well if it worked well for the past 8 years screaming fear will work just as well over the next 8 yearsā€¦ After all sales have never been better. Next will be the ritual sheā€™ll take your ammo and once again there will be shortages.

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How LONG will the rubes be taken in by this same stale fear and loathing? They been using the same arguments for almost 8 years and itā€™s almost like Obama is not even TRYING.


Didnā€™t they say that when Barack Obama took office?


This is not ENTIRELY a bad thing. If the whacks spend all their money on guns, they they will have no money to eat, then they will starve. No more whacks.

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Iā€™m all for separating fools from their money.
I just wish it didnā€™t result in a bunch of fools walking around with those assault rifles.

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Barry doesnā€™t have much time to grab all those firearms. Or to turn us all into Marxists. Or get everyone to convert to Islam.

You know the rest.