Discussion for article #233598
Can’t we call him a colossal hole in the ground? I really like big dicks. OTOH, if it truly is colossal then there’s not much you can do with it – so as long as you preface with “colossal,” I guess that’s okay.
[Jeopardy] “I’ll take Colossal Pricks for 9/11…”
Rudy Giuliani:
Still believes he is King of New York … and harbors desires of annexing the remainder of the world -
Primary Affliction: Megalomania -
Which is a psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of power, relevance, omnipotence, and by inflated self-esteem. Historically it was used as a name for narcissistic personality disorder. Paradoxically, a person who exhibits such tremendous ego and self-confidence in reality has such low self-esteem and such a fragile ego that he cannot abide any expression other than his own, for fear of annihilation of the self. Therefore everything that is not under his control is perceived as a threat.
Which American president - armed with the draft - ever hesitated to draft an Afrina-American? What American president, if, for some reason,we brought back the draft, would hesitate to draft African-Americans In the future?
The reason I bring that up is that during WWI, when all of Ireland legally wa still part of the UK, the British ended up drafting 35-year-olds with kids in England, Scotland and Wales but didn’t draft 18-year-old Irish bachelors because thry couldn’t trust them with the guns.
I really wish that Larry would have told the Conservative on the panel to shut up because, honestly, she had no actual argument to make. She kept trying to bring up false equivalencies and the same stupid talking points as always, but quite frankly, she had nothing to add to the conversation.
I actually thought he did a good job of giving her just enough time to make her case, and then effectively disputing her case, usually very succinctly. I like that he welcomes different points of view; he excels at thinking on his feet, which neither Stewart or Colbert ever put themselves in the position of having to do.
I’m amazed at how little I miss Colbert. I really love The Nightly Show, and didn’t realize how ready I was for the sincerity Wilmore brings, especially on issues of race, and especially as a black male. Best thing to happen on TV in ages, in my opinion.
Thanks for pointing this out.
I really think that Larry Wilmore should pay Giuliani for providing so much material for his show. The Daily Show should throw in a little compensation for the Giuliani material too. You just can’t make this stuff up. It takes someone like Giuliani to shove his foot down his mouth to his knees. This is a great example to demonstrate why most of our politicians need professional psychological help.
Now that Giuliani and Booby Me Too have walked it back they left people like that CNN pundit and that 12 year old kid hanging.
I had never watched this guy until last week and he is really good and very funny. I am so glad he called Guiliani out for what he is -except "colossal prick"could be construed as a compliment in some cases.
I agree on Wilmore. I don’t him much but he is very funny and very good,
granted this is low-hanging fruit, but wilmore seems to be hitting his stride.
Yes. GOP talking points. She should have gotten weak tea on general principle. The only time she may have “kept it 100” was the one time it counted.
He’s very funny in a wry way, I think. Plus he tackles serious issues like single women birth rate in the black community in an open honest way with mostly black guests. This alone is a rarity for any past show, serious or comedy.
How can a little weeny be such a big prick?
I’m really enjoying The Nightly Show…I was just getting very annoyed with her, that’s all.