Discussion: Larry Wilmore Attempts To Boycott All Koch Bros. Products, Fails (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #232619

Besides fracking all over the place, it would appear that the Koch Brothers are major tree killers. The only thing the hug is their tax-free foreign bank accounts?


I have the “Buycott” on my phone so that I can quickly identify Koch Industry products when shopping, and avoid them. If everyone stopped buying their products, they wouldn’t be able to pollute our environment and politics. They are worse than Chavez, yet there was no problem with boycotting Citgo gas.


You don’t need a list of their hundreds of products, let’s just start with all those paper products that say on every package Georgia Pacific"–the Brawny and Angel Soft individual brands are too many to remember. The GP name probably is on the back, or not large, to avoid diluting the brand name, but it is there.
they are all from Georgia Pacific–which, by the way is–no surprise here–a particularly nasty paper company. They have received enormous fines for pollution, use almost no recycled fiber in any of their products, etc.And, of course, they are Koch all the way–probably their biggest biz outside of fossil fuels.
it is a rogue company–just remember to NOT buy anything with GP’s name on it–ever.


“Consolidated Monopoly Incorporated, this is David Koch, how can I help you – er, how can you serve me?”

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I can’t imagine being that rich and being worried about staying that rich so bad that I’d spend much of my riches to elect people that make laws that keep my businesses going (and that make me even richer) while the business hurts the earth and other people in the process.

I mean, goddamn, they could promote companies that treat the earth well, share more of the wealth the company makes with the people that work for those companies and still have more money than they could probably ever spend in their life time.

What the fuck is wrong with these guys’ brain chemistry?


Google Koch Industries…

and their Companies.

Insidious Bastards.


Exactly! I would have bailed long time ago and left the company to ‘professional managers’ (er…grifters). Right now I’d be in the Alps in my chalet or on an island in Bora Bora - depends on my needs - and nekkid chicks/ski bunnies galore! Priorities!

I understand that Mitt Romney is furious at the Koch brothers and Rupert Murdoch for disrespecting his 2016 run. Solamere Capital, the secretive vulture hedge fund operated by Mitt Romney and his son Tagg Romney, have made it their highest priority to buy out key elements of the Koch and Murdoch empires, fire employees, drive the companies into bankruptcy and steal the pension funds. The profits will be stashed in overseas tax havens.

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Here’s a healthy and lengthy list though even this one isn’t complete…

Koch products are ubiquitous and growing every day.
I noticed Hallmark cards for instance isn’t on this list. Maybe its a new acquisition or it falls under another multi-conglomerate that they’ve been allowed to take over.


OK, yea that’s what I’d do too, but the running an earth friendly company just sounds better!

If the Kochs could own the air itself, not only would they charge us for it, they’d load it with synthetic poisons from their chem enterprises and make a bundle charging us for the healthcare it takes to treat the ailments…

Oh, they’re already doing that last part?

So, then, who needs the first part?

Own government, you don’t need to own the air to poison it.

reads like some James Bondish nefariously shady worldwide tentacled octo-enterprise like “COBRA” or something…

Make one tentacle out of each of the stink tanks they sponsor, another out of each of the political PACS they grubstake, and one big thick taproot tentacle with slurping suckers slithering DEEP into every state legislature… and name it ALEC.

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…remember in the movie “The Fugitive” when Tommy Lee Jones is looking at the corporate records of the drug company that is chasing after Dr. Kimble with a one-armed man?

He (Jones) looks at his fellow detectives and says something to the effect “this company is a MONSTER”.

It is a vital point in the plotline where the audience realizes the good cop might figure out the truth.

Just to put things into perspective, consider THAT company was probably OWNED by the Kochs. Or at least it would be if it was real.

or something like that.

reminder; the Kochs are wholly owned, the only shareholders are the brothers. It matters. Not that it gives Wall Street a bye on all counts in terms of ALEC and some of the other tentacles of the Koch Creature, but it does require a certain kind of practical differentiation.

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RECENT KOCH MONOPLY that went horribly wrong and they’ll never pay a cent for it?

FRACKING FLUID! It is awful stuff in the first place, so bad some states have tried to legally prohibit public access to the formula.

And it is even worse when it gets pumped back to the surface because it is carrying some of the most foul stuff from the bowels of the old well it was injected into, and the manufactured chemicals that went down there in the first place to loosen up that nasty sludge.

They (Koch Industries, or a secretive subsidiary there-of) make it and ship it and sell it. They also manage it’s “recovery” for-profit, and “they” won’t tell us where it goes.

Some of it recently went right into the rivers in the Dakotas.

It is no wonder they plan to buy off the rest of our government, the part they don’t already own, the only way to be completely immune from legal repercussions normally attributed to civilized society is to own the law itself. Can’t be fined or imprisoned for poisoning We, The People’s water if it is legal to do so.

Holy Shit you don’t even have to worry about what you buy but what you watch. Was flipping through the channels, started watching this PBS show on sink holes, and goddamn if some of the funding didn’t come from the David H. Koch Fund for Science!

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Interesting show btw

Other places their money goes