Discussion for article #229602
This is obvious and everyone knows it. Hope she can stick to her guns.
I don’t think that Germans would get upset if someone said that Germany from 1933 till 1945 was not the friendliest place for people of the Jewish faith.
Oh I forgot, Cliven “Ted” Bundy pointed out that those klan robes, cross-burnings, segregation, lynchings and murders of civil rights leaders and workers was just people expressing themselves.
Only a sorry bunch of right-wing grifters got upset by Landrieu’s truthful, factual comments.
She should keep preaching the truth—and she should name names when she does it.
If she didn’t stand by her comments I’d be disappointed, and Bobby Jindel is so proud of who he is he changed his name and religion , he’s a real brown nosing dirt bag!
I have to admit that I am proud of her. The truth always wins in the end Mary. The people you are talking about just can’t stand to look in the mirror at the racist staring back at them.
She’s completely correct. What is the GOP going to DEMAND? that we rewrite history to suit their aims? Sounds like what a certain someone whose initials are AH once tried desperately to do.
Uncle Tom
Oh yes they can. They just don’t like to be called out in public.
The Kochs are buying school boards all around the country, just so they CAN rewrite history to suit their goals.
What an amazingly unfair accusation, after all Louisiana only carried out the third most lynching’s in the 1882 to 1930 lynching race.
Exactly! There are at least two more racist states in the Union.
“for people of Jewish blood.”
One of Jewish leaders in Palestine during WW2, perhaps Ben-Gurion himself, said that if the Nazis based Jewish identity on religion instead of blood, most German Jews would have readily converted to remain German. Many Nazi-identified Jews were indeed Christians, agnostics, atheists or just non-practicing.
Hey, she is trying to be re-elected after all!
At least Mary Landrieu understands more about local politics than Bill Maher does.
GOOD! No wimping out! I am SICK of this bullshit movement to “soften slavery” and to let the Republicans get away with saying, “We CAN’T be racist! WE FREED THE SLAVES!”
The South has not always been the friendliest place for Blacks? How dare she utter such nonsense. Communist!
Found out about a year ago that FL may be tied for first hard to even repeat what happened to people in that State.