Discussion: LA Times: Trump Wanted To Fire Hostesses Who Weren't Pretty Enough

Does this qualify as news? No. Now, if you reported that he said that looks should not be a criterion, THAT would be news. Banner headlines!


I sense a bit of a bandwagon effect. The papers all are competing to print the good news about Trump.


Wagons, HO! (pun intended)


There was also a story last year about how management pulled all the black employees off the floor of his casino in Atlantic City anytime Herr Trump showed up:

It’s almost like there’s an obvious pattern of overt racism and sexism. Perhaps one of our illustrious newspapers could pull one of their reporters off the Clinton Foundation beat and investigate it?


…For which I’m eternally grateful. And it’s about damn time. This would set women’s rights back at least a half century. And women of color? The term “comfort girl” repeatedly comes to mind.


What disgust me MORE than Trump being a shallow ahole is that his managers chose to put up with it for the few times he showed up. Pathetic…and weirdly creepy.

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Definitely a bandwagon effect. I wonder if it’s due to Trump tricking the press at his “press conference” in his new Washington hotel. Looks like that was the last straw.


Anyone recall the Hooters’ lawsuits in the past? Wouldn’t be surprised if much like Hooters Trump claimed BFOQ (bona fide occupational qualification) in hiring. Not sure how the hell he could justify it though. Its a fucking golf course for fuck’s sake.

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Many people are saying that this is exactly what you should expect from a sexist cocaine addict. I don’t know, it could just be that he is an arrogant sexist jerk but many are saying it is the cocaine addiction that is the prime cause of his behavior. I am just saying.


Italians have already warned us:

Twins…separated at birth.


this is completely untrue, it was because they wouldn’t give him blow jobs…the la times are such liers

Sadly, this is just kind of how corporate restaurants are run. Some have already mentioned Hooters, but it’s the same at every Applebees, TGIFridays, Chilis, Olive Garden, etc.

That’s an amazing picture of TOG though.
Look at that. I guess when he’s putting on a lid, he just lets the combover fall straight back into a perfect little blonde mullet.

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“never admitted any wrongdoing”

There is the reason for fighting against the little people. Donnie can’t admit error.

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Poor, fat loyalists imagine the love Trump directed at a studio camera was aimed at them but know, deep down, they themselves wouldn’t match up to their hero’s wealth and beauty standards. This is why “fat” Miss Universe has legs. The Blue Collar Billionaire would not touch his blue collar supporters with a 10 foot pole…or would that be 10 point poll?


Women are whippin the fat watery man from every angle. Hey, girlyman Donny, looks like you’d better bring a sandwich, it’s going to take a long day and it still doesn’t look like you can whip a real woman in a fist fight, you fat watery chauvinist pig.

On one visit, Trump saw “a young, attractive hostess working named Nicole … and directed that she be brought to a place where he was meeting with a group of men,” former Trump restaurant manager Charles West said in his declaration.

“After this woman had been presented to him, Mr. Trump said to his guests something like, ‘See, you don’t have to go to Hollywood to find beautiful women,’” West said. “He also turned to Nicole and asked her, ‘Do you like Jewish men?’"

What. The. Fuck?