Hah, suck it, Bevin…
Congrats to the teachers for standing firm.
The worm turns! There is a breaking point, even in deep red states. Congratulations teachers!!!
Bevin vetoed the increase because he said it would not
generate enough money to cover new state spending.
Republican legislative leaders disagreed.
good one… Bevin —
The mid-terms really have GOPers quaking… this was pure self-preservation.
The teachers’ strong militating right up to the end achieved this great result.
“Thousands of teachers rallied Friday at the Kentucky Capitol, urging lawmakers to override Bevin’s vetoes.”
Great news. Geaux, teachers!
Wow. This is a pretty big deal.
D eep-Red staters, who are convinced that they want their government to be small, don’t want their government to be drowned in a bathtub.
There is a point where the effectiveness of a generic “lower taxes, less spending” message fades and demand for decent services wins the day. Even people who believe that tax cuts and spending cuts are inherently good can see that neither policy helps a school district that has overcrowded classrooms and decrepit textbooks.
I know Republicans don’t like to do it, but save.